
Fabric Release Notes | Version 3.0.2

On the KYC & Onboarding stack, we broke new ground in standardizing major API suites such as the DigiLocker stack and the Face Forensics group of the Farsight stack.

Additional feature-level improvements have been made to UIStreams, CKYC Upload, and the Udyam stack.

KYC & Onboarding:

  • Improvements in UIStreams

    • Multi-lingual Support: UIStreams can now support multiple languages. The following languages are supported:
      • Hindi: hi
      • Marathi: mr
      • Tamil - ta
      • Gujarati: gu
      • Punjabi: pa
      • Malayalam: ml
      • Oriya: or
      • Kannada: kn
      • Bengali: bn
      • Telugu: te
      • Assamese: as
      • Urdu: ur
    • Learn more about our UIStreams offerings here.
  • Improvements in the DigiLocker Stack

    • All DigiLocker APIs have been upgraded to Version 3. The APIs will now follow RESTful verbs, idiomatic endpoints, and standard contracts to maintain uniformity and easier interoperability.
    • Existing DigiLocker APIs and SSO DigiLocker APIs are now deprecated but will continue functioning until August 31st, 2024. The existing APIs will be decommissioned on 2nd September 2024.
    • Learn more about our V3 DigiLocker APIs here.
  • Improvements in Farsight's Face Forensics

    • Both the Face Match and the Passive Liveness APIs are now moved to Version 3. The APIs have idiomatic endpoints, and standard contracts and can now accept request contracts of the content type application/json instead of the older multipart/form content type.
    • The Face Match API is now completely powered in-house by Farsight.
    • The Face Match API can now perform face matches for multiple images at once and takes an array of N number of images instead of just image1 and image2.
    • The existing versions of the Face Match API and the Passive Liveness API are now deprecated. They will continue functioning until August 31st, 2024. The APIs will be decommissioned on 2nd September 2024.
    • Learn more about our Face Forensics offerings here.
  • Improvements in CKYC Upload

    • The CKYC Upload API now automatically identifies and masks unmasked Aadhaar documents if the document submission type is marked as OFFLINE_VERIFICATION.
    • Learn more about our CKYC Upload offerings here.
  • Improvements in the Udyam Stack

    • Fetch Udyam APIs have been released as an alternative to the Search Udyam API. Via this API you can use the mobile number and an OTP step to fetch the exact Udyam Number as well as the Udyam Certificate.
    • Udyam Registration APIs now have an additional API to resend the final OTP in cases where the validity of the first OTP has expired.
    • Please get in touch with us at [email protected] to learn more about our Udyam offerings.