
Fabric Release Notes | Version 2.0.3

Bug fixes and improvements were the focus of the Version 2.0.3 release, with the addition of new features such as a new MOBILE_TO_PAN HyperStream and Client-side SDKs for UIStreams.

KYC & Onboarding Updates:

  • Upgraded Employment Verification Suite:
    • Addition of Employer Domain Verification w/o OTP Service: Link
  • HyperStreams:
    • Addition of Mobile to PAN HyperStream: Link
  • Validate API
    • Upgraded the GSTIN_DETAILED Service in the Validate API: Link
      • Optional generate_pdf key that will return a downloadable link instead of base64.
      • Callout: Reduced TATs from >40 seconds to <3 seconds for large PDF files. This is an important metric for SME Lenders who have large GSTIN files that exceed ~30 pages due to filing data.
  • Developer Hub
    • This will contain Sandbox, UI kits, code samples, and server-side and client-side SDKs: Link
      • React Native SDK released for UIStreams: Link
      • Flutter SDK released for UIStreams: Link

Bytes Updates:

  • Mobile to VPA Suite Released on the UAT Environment:
    • The API is available in 3 flavors:
      • Mobile to Name API: Link
      • Mobile to VPA (Basic) API: Link
      • Mobile to VPA (Advanced) API: Link