Business Verification

Decentro's Verification Services encompasses all types of KYB requirements. Broadly, the services include the following:

  1. Validate API: Validate Business Documents using the Validate API
  2. Udyam Suite:
    1. Mobile to Udyam: Search for a Udyam Number using just a Mobile number
    2. Udyam Fetch: Fetch Udyam using the SME's Mobile and an OTP
    3. Udyam Registration: Real-time Udyam Number Registration APIs
    4. Udyam HyperStream: Search and Validate Udyam using a single Udyam Hyperstream API
    5. Udyam Registration UIStream: UI-based flow to generate Udyam Numbers in real-time
  3. Shop Establishment API: Validate Shop Establishment details via the Registration Number.
  4. KYB UIStreams: UI-based solutions to onboard businesses more securely and seamlessly. If you are interested in this product, please reach out to us at [email protected].

1. Validate API

Businesses can integrate with Decentro to verify the ID number of their customers or extract information from a public KYC ID. The major benefit of this offering is that customers do not have to upload or share any document images, yet the business can seamlessly onboard customers with very few hassles.


Regex Builder

Developers can refer to this page to build regex-checks that is based on the same checks Decentro performs before validating a document number from a government repository. This will help avoid uneccessary validation errors caused by invalid inputs from users.

Supported Documents

Our Document Verification API supports a good number of widely used documents like PAN, RC, GSTIN, CIN, etc. Below is the list of all documents that can verified using Decentro's Document Verification API:

Supported DocumentsDescription
PANA 10-character alphanumeric PAN number
GSTINA 15-character GSTIN number
CINCorporate Identification Number provided by MCA
DINDirector Identification Number (DIN)
UdyamAnother unique registration number for Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is provided by the Indian Ministry of MSMEs
Udyog Aadhaar12-digit unique identification number provided by the Indian Ministry of MSMEs
FLLPINForeign Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number issued to any foreign organization incorporated as an LLP in India
LLPINLimited Liability Partnership Identification number issued to any organization incorporated as an LLP in India
FCRN6-character Foreign Company Registration Number
FSSAIThe registration number provided by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India


Document Type Enumeration Standardized

In the request body, "document_type" parameter will only consider capital letters & underscore.

The special character's not allowed -!@#$%^&*()~{}|<>,.:;"'?/+=

Accepted Enumeration Examples -

  1. PAN

Not Accepted Enumeration Examples -

  1. pan

1. PAN

PAN Stands for Permanent Account Number and it is a ten-digit alphanumeric number issued by the Income Tax Department of India.

There are two types of PAN cards -

Individual PANBusiness PAN
A ten-digit alphanumeric ID numberA ten-digit alphanumeric ID number
It belongs to a personIt belongs to a business
    "reference_id": "Business PAN",
    "document_type": "PAN",
    "id_number": "XXXXXXXXXX",
    "consent": "Y",
    "consent_purpose": "Checking Business PAN details"
  "kycStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "KYC Details for PAN retrieved successfully",
  "kycResult": {
    "idNumber": "ABCDE12345",
    "idStatus": "VALID",
  "responseKey": "success_pan",
  "responseCode": "S00000",
  "requestTimestamp": "2020-07-24 21:25:20.778016 IST (GMT +0530)",
  "responseTimestamp": "2020-07-24 21:25:21.991470 IST (GMT +0530)",


PAN Detailed - Individual and Business PAN

Decentro has the feature to provide detailed information for both the PANs by passing PAN-Detailed in the document_type parameter in the request body


Additional Configurations in the PAN_DETAILED Document Type

Decentro also provides additional information in the PAN_DETAILED response such as:

  • Father Name
  • Email
  • Gender
  • DOB
  • Mobile Number

Please reach out to our support team if you'd like to explore this configuration of the PAN_DETAILED document type.

  "reference_id": "Fetching PAN-Detailed",
  "document_type": "PAN_DETAILED",
  "id_number": "XXXXXXXXXX",
  "consent": "Y",
  "consent_purpose": "To Fetch PAN-Detailed"
  "referenceId": "Fetching PAN-Detailed",
  "kycStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "message": "KYC Details for PAN retrieved successfully",
  "kycResult": {
    "idNumber": "XXXXXXXXXX",
    "idStatus": "VALID",
    "panStatus": "VALID",
    "lastName": "PRIVATE LIMITED",
    "firstName": "AMAZON SELLER SERVICES",
    "idHolderTitle": "M/S",
    "idLastUpdated": "20/04/2021",
    "aadhaarSeedingStatus": "Successful"
  "responseKey": "success_pan",
  "responseCode": "S00000",
  "requestTimestamp": "2020-07-24 21:25:20.778016 IST (GMT +0530)",
  "responseTimestamp": "2020-07-24 21:25:21.991470 IST (GMT +0530)",


GSTIN stands for Goods and Services Tax Identification Number. It is a unique 15-digit number assigned to business entities like dealers, suppliers, etc, and is registered under the GST regime.

  "reference_id": "GSTIN Document Verification",
  "document_type": "GSTIN",
  "id_number": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
  "consent": "Y",
  "consent_purpose": "To verify GSTIN document"
    "kycStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "KYC Details for GSTIN retrived successfully.",
    "kycResult": {
        "gstin": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
        "legalName": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
        "stateJurisdiction": "LGSTO 045 - Bengaluru",
        "centralJurisdiction": "RANGE-AED2",
        "centralJurisdictionCode": "YT0201",
        "constitutionOfBusiness": "Private Limited Company",
        "taxpayerType": "Regular",
        "natureOfBusiness": [
            "Supplier of Services",
        "natureOfCoreBusinessActivity": "Service Provider and Others",
        "gstnStatus": "Active",
        "tradeName": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
        "registrationDate": "04/09/2020",
        "principalPlaceOfBusiness": "Indiranagar, Bengaluru, Bengaluru Urban, Karnataka, 560038",
        "pan": "XXXXXXXXXX",
        "registrationType": "NORMAL COMPOSITE CASUAL"
    "responseKey": "success_gstin",
    "responseCode": "S00000",
    "requestTimestamp": "2024-06-09 17:42:21.078532 IST (GMT +0530)",
    "responseTimestamp": "2024-06-09 17:42:22.027391 IST (GMT +0530)",
    "decentroTxnId": "XXXXXXXXXX"


GSTIN Detailed

Decentro has the feature to provide detailed information for GSTIN documents by passing GSTIN-Detailed in the document_type parameter in the request body

  "reference_id": "GSTIN-Detailed Document Verification",
  "document_type": "GSTIN_DETAILED",
  "id_number": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
  "consent": "Y",
  "consent_purpose": "To verify GSTIN document"
    "kycStatus": "******",
    "status": "******",
    "message": "***********************************************",
    "kycResult": {
        "gstin": "*******************",
        "legalName": "*******************************",
        "stateJurisdiction": "***********************",
        "centralJurisdiction": "************",
        "centralJurisdictionCode": "******",
        "constitutionOfBusiness": "***********************",
        "taxpayerType": "*******",
        "natureOfBusiness": [
        "natureOfCoreBusinessActivity": "*****************************",
        "gstnStatus": "******",
        "tradeName": "*******************************",
        "registrationDate": "**********",
        "principalPlaceOfBusiness": "********************************************",
        "pan": "***********",
        "registrationType": "****************************",
        "businessDetails": [
                "hsn": "******",
                "type": "********",
                "description": "*******************************************************"
        "filingStatus": [
                "filingYear": "*********",
                "filingPeriod": "*****",
                "filingMethod": "******",
                "filingDate": "**********",
                "filingGstType": "******",
                "filingAnnualReturn": "**",
                "filingStatus": "*****"
        "cinData": {
            "charges": [],
            "directors": [
                    "endDate": "**",
                    "dinOrPan": "********",
                    "beginDate": "**********",
                    "name": "************"
                    "endDate": "**",
                    "dinOrPan": "********",
                    "beginDate": "**********",
                    "name": "*******************************"
            "companyMasterData": {
                "companyCategory": "*******************************",
                "emailId": "*****************",
                "classOfCompany": "******",
                "numberOfMembersApplicableInCaseOfCompanyWithoutShareCapital": "**",
                "addressOtherThanRegisteredOfficeWhereAllOrAnyBooksOfAccountAndPapersAreMaintained": "**",
                "dateOfLastAgm": "**********",
                "registeredAddress": "****************************************************************",
                "registrationNumber": "*******",
                "paidUpCapitalInInr": "*******",
                "whetherListedOrNot": "********",
                "suspendedAtStockExchange": "**",
                "cin": "********************",
                "companySubcategory": "******************",
                "authorisedCapitalInInr": "********",
                "companyStatusForEFiling": "******",
                "rocCode": "*********",
                "dateOfBalanceSheet": "**********",
                "dateOfIncorporation": "**********",
                "companyName": "*******************************",
                "activeCompliance": "**",
                "mainDivisionOfBusinessActivityToBeCarriedOutInIndia": "**",
                "previousFircompanyDetailifApplicable": "**",
                "numberOfDesignatedPartners": "**",
                "totalObligationOfContribution": "*",
                "descriptionOfMainDivision": "*********************************************************",
                "numberOfPartners": "**"
        "pdf": "********************************************"
    "responseKey": "*************",
    "responseCode": "******",
    "requestTimestamp": "*****************************************",
    "responseTimestamp": "*****************************************",
    "decentroTxnId": "*************************************"

The following is a list of response parameters along with their meaning:

Parameter NameDescription
apiStatusIndicates the status of the API request.
statusIndicates the overall status of the operation.
messageA descriptive message accompanying the response, providing information about the outcome.
kycResultA JSON object containing advanced KYC details retrieved for the GSTIN.
- primaryBusinessContactDetails about the primary business contact, including address, nature of business, etc.
- addressAddress of the primary business contact.
- additionalAddressAdditional address details of the primary business contact.
- natureOfBusinessAtAddressNature of business at the primary business contact's address.
- lastUpdatedDateDate when the information was last updated.
- stateJurisdictionState jurisdiction details for the GSTIN.
- taxpayerTypeType of taxpayer (e.g., Regular, Composition).
- registrationDateDate of registration for the GSTIN.
- constitutionOfBusinessConstitution of the business (e.g., Private Limited Company, Partnership, etc.).
- currentStatusOfRegistrationCurrent status of the GST registration (e.g., Active, Inactive).
- tradeNameTrade name associated with the GSTIN.
- gstinGoods and Services Taxpayer Identification Number (GSTIN).
- directorsList of directors associated with the business.
- additionalPlacesOfBusinessInStateAdditional places of business within the state, including address, nature of business, etc.
- businessDetailsDetails about the business, including HSN code and service details.
- legalNameLegal name of the business.
- natureOfBusinessNature of business activities associated with the business.
- centralJurisdictionCentral jurisdiction details for the GSTIN.
- cxdtCentral excise registration details.
- annualAggregateTurnoverAnnual aggregate turnover for the GSTIN.
- mandatoryEInvoicingIndicates whether e-invoicing is mandatory for the GSTIN.
- grossTotalIncomeGross total income of the business.
- grossTotalIncomeFinancialYearThe financial year for the gross total income.
- isFieldVisitConductedIndicates whether a field visit was conducted.
- panPermanent Account Number (PAN) associated with the business.
- filingStatusDetails about filing status, including year, month, method, date, GST type, annual return, and status.
- filingYearYear of filing.
- filingForMonthMonth for which filing was done.
- filingMethodMethod of filing (e.g., ONLINE, OFFLINE).
- filingDateDate of filing.
- filingGstTypeType of GST filing (e.g., GSTR1, GSTR3B).
- filingAnnualReturnAnnual return filing status.
- filingStatusStatus of filing (e.g., Filed, Pending).
responseKeyA key indicating the success of the GSTIN retrieval request.
responseCodeA code indicating the outcome of the request.
requestTimestampTimestamp when the request was made.
responseTimestampTimestamp when the response was received.
decentroTxnIdThe transaction ID generated by Decentro for tracking purposes.


Downloadable PDF Reports

The GSTIN_DETAILED document type of the Validate API now has an additional optional parameter generate_pdf. This will return a downloadable link to the PDF file containing the data returned by the GSTIN_DETAILED API.

Albeit the link is sent to you, you can also generate the link on the fly if needed. You can download the file a<YOUR DECENTRO TRANSACTION ID>.pdf

Please note, in order for the download to work, client_id and client_secret must be present in the headers.

3. CIN

CIN stands for Corporate Identification Number. It is a unique 21 digit alphanumeric number issued to companies that have been registered in India. Private Limited Companies are also included in CIN registration.

  "reference_id": "CIN Document Verification",
  "document_type": "CIN",
  "id_number": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
  "consent": "Y",
  "consent_purpose": "To verify CIN document"
    "status": "******",
    "kycStatus": "******",
    "message": "*** ******* *** *** ******** ***********.",
    "kycResult": {
        "companyData": {
            "cIN": "**********************",
            "company": "*******************************",
            "companyType": "*******",
            "companyOrigin": "******",
            "registrationNumber": "******",
            "dateOfIncorporation": "*********",
            "emailAddress": "*******************",
            "whetherListedOrNot": "*",
            "companyCategory": "**************************",
            "companySubcategory": "*********************",
            "classOfCompany": "*******",
            "authorisedCapital": "*******",
            "paidUpCapital": "*******",
            "numberOfMembers": "",
            "dateOfLastAGM": "*********",
            "strikeOffAmalgamatedTransferredDate": "",
            "llpStatus": "******",
            "statusUnderCIRP": "",
            "numberOfPartners": "",
            "numberOfDesignatedPartners": "",
            "previousFirmCompanyDetails": "",
            "totalObligationOfContribution": "*",
            "mainDivision": "**",
            "mainDivisionDescription": "***************************************",
            "statementDate": "",
            "bSDefaulter2Yrs": "",
            "bSDefaulter3Yrs": "",
            "aRDefaulter2Yrs": "",
            "aRDefaulter3Yrs": "",
            "suspendedAtStockExchange": "",
            "rocName": "*** *****",
            "shareCapitalFlag": "*",
            "maximumNumberOfMembers": "",
            "subscribedCapital": "*******",
            "rdName": "** *****",
            "rdRegion": "******** ******",
            "balanceSheetDate": "*********",
            "inc22Aflag": ""
        "directorData": [
                "dIN": "********",
                "pAN": "**********",
                "dateOfAppointment": "*********",
                "directorDisqualified": "*",
                "firstName": "*****",
                "middleName": "",
                "lastName": "******"
                "dIN": "********",
                "pAN": "**********",
                "dateOfAppointment": "*********",
                "directorDisqualified": "*",
                "firstName": "******",
                "middleName": "******",
                "lastName": "*********"
                "dIN": "********",
                "pAN": "**********",
                "dateOfAppointment": "*********",
                "directorDisqualified": "*",
                "firstName": "*******",
                "middleName": "",
                "lastName": "******"
                "dIN": "********",
                "pAN": "",
                "dateOfAppointment": "*********",
                "directorDisqualified": "*",
                "firstName": "*****",
                "middleName": "",
                "lastName": "******"
                "dIN": "********",
                "pAN": "**********",
                "dateOfAppointment": "*********",
                "directorDisqualified": "*",
                "firstName": "*******",
                "middleName": "",
                "lastName": "******"
    "responseKey": "************",
    "responseCode": "*****",
    "requestTimestamp": "********************************",
    "responseTimestamp": "********************************",
    "decentroTxnId": "****************************"

4. FSSAI Card

FSSAI stands for Food Safety and Standards Authority of India.

  "reference_id": "FSSAI Document Verification",
  "document_type": "FSSAI",
  "id_number": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
  "consent": "Y",
  "consent_purpose": "To verify FSSAI document"
  "kycStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "kycResult": {
    "idNumber": "11111111111111",
    "licenseType": "REGISTRATION",
    "entityName": "NAME",
    "status": "ACTIVE",
    "premissesAddress": {
      "district": "",
      "address": "Some Address Line",
      "state": "WEST BENGAL",
      "pincode": "XXXXXX"
    "products": [
        "slNo": "2",
        "foodProductCategory": "02 - Product Category Name"
        "slNo": "13",
        "foodProductCategory": "13 - Product Category Name"
    "address": {
      "district": [
      "state": [
          "WEST BENGAL",
      "city": [
      "pincode": "XXXXXX",
      "country": [
      "addressLine": "Some Address Line"
  "responseKey": "success_fssai",
  "responseCode": "S00000",
  "requestTimestamp": "2023-01-13 14:57:22.932451 IST (GMT +0530)",
  "responseTimestamp": "2023-01-13 14:57:23.866098 IST (GMT +0530)",
Parameter NameDescription
kycStatusIndicates the status of the Know Your Customer (KYC) process.
kycResultA JSON object containing detailed KYC information.
- idNumberIdentification number associated with the entity.
- licenseTypeType of license (e.g., REGISTRATION).
- entityNameName of the entity.
- statusStatus of the entity (e.g., ACTIVE).
- premissesAddressAddress details of the premises, including district, address, state, and pincode.
- districtDistrict of the premises address.
- addressAddress line of the premises.
- stateState of the premises address.
- pincodePincode of the premises address.
- productsList of products associated with the entity, including serial number and food product category.
- slNoSerial number of the product.
- foodProductCategoryCategory of the food product.
- addressAddress details of the entity, including district, state, city, pincode, country, and address line.
- districtDistrict of the entity's address.
- stateState of the entity's address.
- cityCity of the entity's address.
- pincodePincode of the entity's address.
- countryCountry code of the entity's address.
- addressLineAddress line of the entity.
responseKeyA key indicating the success of the FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) retrieval request.
responseCodeA code indicating the outcome of the request.
requestTimestampTimestamp when the request was made.
responseTimestampTimestamp when the response was received.
decentroTxnIdThe transaction ID generated by Decentro for tracking purposes.

5. Udyog Aadhaar

It is a 12-digit unique identification number provided by the Indian Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

  "reference_id": "Udyog Aadhaar Document Verification",
  "document_type": "UDYOG_AADHAAR",
  "id_number": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
  "consent": "Y",
  "consent_purpose": "To verify Udyog Aadhaar document"
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "kycStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "KYC Details for Udyog Aadhaar retrieved successfully.",
    "kycResult": {
        "uamNumber": "XXXXXXXXX",
        "enterpriseName": "GARIMA ONLINE AND PHOTOCOPY",
        "majorActivity": "SERVICES",
        "socialCategory": "OBC",
        "enterpriseType": "MICRO",
        "mobile": "89*****168",
        "email": "NE******[email protected]",
        "dateOfCommencement": "22/10/2018",
        "dicName": "VIDISHA",
        "state": "MADHYA PRADESH",
        "appliedDate": "12/12/2018",
        "modifiedDate": "N/A",
        "address": {
            "serialNumber": "1",
            "flatDoorBlockNumber": "XXXXXXXXX",
            "nameOfPremisesBuildingVillage": "XXXXXXXXX",
            "roadStreetLane": "XXXXXXXXX",
            "areaLocality": "XXXXXXXXX",
            "city": "XXXXXXXXX",
            "pin": "XXXXXXXXX",
            "state": "MADHYA PRADESH",
            "district": "XXXXXXXXX"
        "expiryDate": "30/06/2022",
        "status": "VALID",
        "nic_2Digit": "63-INFORMATION SERVICE ACTIVITIES",
        "nic_4Digit": "6312-WEB PORTALS",
    "responseKey": "success_udyog_aadhaar",
    "responseCode": "S00000",
    "requestTimestamp": "XXXXXXXXX",
    "responseTimestamp": "XXXXXXXXX",
    "decentroTxnId": "XXXXXXXXX"
Parameter NameDescription
kycStatusIndicates the status of the Know Your Customer (KYC) process.
kycResultA JSON object containing detailed KYC information.
- uamNumberUdyog Aadhaar Memorandum (UAM) number associated with the enterprise.
- enterpriseNameName of the enterprise.
- majorActivityThe primary activity of the enterprise.
- socialCategorySocial category of the enterprise.
- enterpriseTypeType of enterprise.
- dateOfCommencementDate of commencement of business operations.
- districtDistrict where the enterprise is located.
- stateState where the enterprise is located.
- appliedDateDate when the KYC information was applied.
- modifiedDateDate when the KYC information was last modified.
- expiryDateExpiry date of the KYC information.
- nic_2Digit2-digit National Industrial Classification (NIC) code representing the enterprise's activity.
- nic_4Digit4-digit NIC code representing the enterprise's activity.
- nic_5Digit5-digit NIC code representing the enterprise's activity.
- statusStatus of the enterprise (e.g., ACTIVE).
responseKeyA key indicating the success of the Udyog Aadhaar retrieval request.
responseCodeA code indicating the outcome of the request.
requestTimestampTimestamp when the request was made.
responseTimestampTimestamp when the response was received.
decentroTxnIdThe transaction ID is generated by Decentro for tracking purposes.

6. Udyam Registration

It is a unique registration mechanism for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). It is mandatory for MSMEs to get their Udyam Aadhaar number.

  "reference_id": "Udyam Document Verification",
  "document_type": "UDYAM",
  "id_number": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
  "consent": "Y",
  "consent_purpose": "To verify Udyam document"
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "responseCode": "S00000",
  "message": "Successfully fetched details for the given Udyam number.",
  "data": {
    "udyamNumber": "UDYAM-AA-00-0000000",
    "enterpriseName": "M/S XXXXX XXXXX",
    "organisationType": "Private Limited Company",
    "majorActivity": "Services",
    "gender": "Male",
    "socialCategory": "General",
    "incorporationDate": "DD/MM/YYYY",
    "commencementDate": "DD/MM/YYYY",
    "enterpriseOfficialAddress": {
      "flat": "XXXX",
      "building": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
      "village": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
      "block": "-",
      "street": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
      "city": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
      "state": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
      "district": "BENGALURU (URBAN)",
      "mobile": "XX*****XXX",
      "email": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
    "dic": "BANGALORE (URBAN)",
    "msmeDfo": "BANGALORE",
    "udyamRegistrationDate": "DD/MM/YYYY",
    "enterpriseType": {
      "serialNumber": "1",
      "dataYear": "2020-21",
      "classificationYear": "2022-23",
      "enterpriseType": "Micro",
      "classificationDate": "DD/MM/YYYY"
    "unitLocationDetails": {
      "serialNumber": "1",
      "unitName": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
      "flat": "XXXX",
      "building": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
      "village": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
      "block": "",
      "city": "XXXXXXXXXXXX",
      "pin": "XXXXXX",
      "state": "KARNATAKA",
      "district": "BENGALURU (URBAN)"
    "nationalIndustryClassificationCode": {
      "serialNumber": "1",
      "nic2Digit": "XX - Computer programming, consultancy and related activities",
      "nic4Digit": "XXXX - Other information technology and computer service activities",
      "nic5Digit": "XXXXX - Other information technology and computer service activities n.e.c",
      "activity": "Services",
      "date": "DD/MM/YYYY"
  "responseKey": "success_udyam"


Optional generate_pdf key

Now, you can download the Udyam Certificate for valid Udyam numbers by passing the optional generate_pdf key as true.

The following is a table defining each parameter in the given response body:

Parameter NameDescription
decentroTxnIdThe transaction ID generated by Decentro for tracking purposes.
statusIndicates the status of the request, whether it was successful or not.
responseCodeA code indicating the outcome of the request.
messageA descriptive message accompanying the response, providing information about the outcome.
dataA JSON object containing detailed information about the enterprise and its registration details.
- udyamNumberThe unique Udyam registration number is assigned to the enterprise.
- enterpriseNameThe name of the enterprise.
- organisationTypeThe type of organization, such as Private Limited Company, Sole Proprietorship, etc.
- majorActivityThe primary activity of the enterprise.
- genderGender of the enterprise owner or representative.
- socialCategorySocial category of the enterprise owner or representative.
- incorporationDateDate of incorporation of the enterprise.
- commencementDateDate of commencement of business operations.
- enterpriseOfficialAddressOfficial address details of the enterprise, including flat, building, village, city, etc.
- dicDistrict Industrial Center where the enterprise is registered.
- msmeDfoMSME Development Forum associated with the enterprise.
- udyamRegistrationDateDate of Udyam registration.
- enterpriseTypeDetails about the enterprise type, including classification and registration dates.
- serialNumberSerial number assigned to the enterprise type.
- dataYearYear of data for the enterprise type classification.
- classificationYearYear of classification of the enterprise type.
- enterpriseTypeType of enterprise (e.g., Micro, Small, Medium).
- classificationDateDate of classification of the enterprise type.
- unitLocationDetailsDetails about the location of the enterprise unit.
- serialNumberSerial number assigned to the unit location details.
- unitNameName of the enterprise unit.
- flatFlat number of the unit.
- buildingBuilding name of the unit.
- villageVillage where the unit is located.
- blockBlock where the unit is located.
- roadRoad where the unit is located.
- cityCity where the unit is located.
- pinPIN code of the unit location.
- stateState where the unit is located.
- districtDistrict where the unit is located.
- nationalIndustryClassificationCodeDetails about the National Industry Classification (NIC) code of the enterprise's activity.
- serialNumberSerial number assigned to the NIC code details.
- nic2Digit2-digit NIC code representing the industry classification.
- nic4Digit4-digit NIC code representing the industry classification.
- nic5Digit5-digit NIC code representing the industry classification.
- activityActivity associated with the NIC code.
- dateDate of NIC code assignment.
responseKeyA key indicating the success of the Udyam registration request.


  "reference_id": "FLLPIN Document Verification",
  "document_type": "FLLPIN",
  "id_number": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
  "consent": "Y",
  "consent_purpose": "To verify FLLPIN document"
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "kycStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "KYC Details for FLLPIN retrieved successfully.",
    "kycResult": {
        "foreignCompanyMasterData": {
            "emailId": "[email protected]",
            "foreignCompanyWithShareCapital": "NA",
            "registeredAddress": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
            "typeOfOffice": "Branch Office",
            "dateOfIncorporation": "24/04/2007",
            "countryOfIncorporation": "South Korea",
            "companyName": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
            "companyStatus": "Not Available for e-filing",
            "details": "NA",
            "fcrn ": "XXXXXX",
            "descriptionOfMainDivision": "Computer and related activities",
            "mainDivisionOfBusinessActivityToBeCarriedOutInIndia": "72"
        "charges": [],
        "directors": [
                "endDate": "NA",
                "surrenderedDin": "NA",
                "dinOrPan": "XXXXXXXXXX",
                "beginDate": "06/08/2007",
                "name": "XXXXXXXXX"
    "responseKey": "success_fllpin",
    "responseCode": "S00000",
    "requestTimestamp": "2023-08-30 18:07:10.447335 IST (GMT +0530)",
    "responseTimestamp": "2023-08-30 18:07:18.567955 IST (GMT +0530)",

8. DIN

DIN stands for Directors Identification Number. It is a unique identification number allotted by the Central Government to a person intended to be a Director of a company.

  "reference_id": "DIN Document Verification",
  "document_type": "DIN",
  "id_number": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
  "consent": "Y",
  "consent_purpose": "To verify DIN document"
    "status": "******",
    "kycStatus": "******",
    "message": "*** ******* *** *** ******** ***********.",
    "kycResult": {
        "directorData": [
                "din": "********",
                "directorDisqualified": "*",
                "disqualificationRemovalDate": "",
                "firstName": "*******",
                "middleName": "",
                "lastName": "******",
                "status": "*******",
                "dinSurrenderDate": "",
                "educationalQualification": "****",
                "birthPlace": "********************",
                "drivingLicenseNumber": "",
                "mobileNumber": "************",
                "directorDeathDate": "",
                "votersIdNumber": "",
                "durationofStay": "",
                "fathersFirstName": "******",
                "authorizedRepType": "",
                "membershipNumber": "",
                "nationality": "*****",
                "disqualificationSection": "",
                "gender": "****",
                "dinAllocationDate": "*********",
                "occupationType": "",
                "kmpFlag": "",
                "othersEducationalQualification": "",
                "disqualificationDate": "",
                "disqualificationReason": "",
                "verificationStatus": "",
                "opcFlag": "",
                "sameAddressFlag": "",
                "fathersLastName": "******",
                "dob": "*********",
                "fathersMiddleName": "",
                "surrenderDeactivationReason": "",
                "pan": "**********",
                "oidFlag": "*",
                "passportNumber": "",
                "residentOfIndia": "*",
                "personalContact": "*",
                "aadhaarNumber": "************",
                "directorFlag": "*",
                "emailAddress": "***********************",
                "personType": "*********",
                "areaOfOccupation": "**************",
                "citizenOfIndia": "*",
                "occupation": "**************",
                "opcType": "",
                "otherOccupation": "",
                "companyData": [
                        "ucin": "**********************",
                        "din": "********",
                        "cin_LLPIN": "**********************",
                        "nameOfTheCompany": "*******************************",
                        "companyId": "*******"
                        "ucin": "**********************",
                        "din": "********",
                        "cin_LLPIN": "**********************",
                        "nameOfTheCompany": "***********************************************",
                        "companyId": "*******"
                "createdOn": "********************",
                "migrationDate": "********************",
                "updatedOn": "********************",
                "migrationFlag": "*",
                "accountId": ""
    "responseKey": "***********",
    "responseCode": "*****",
    "requestTimestamp": "********************************",
    "responseTimestamp": "********************************",
    "decentroTxnId": "****************************"


LLPIN stands for Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number.

  "reference_id": "LLPIN Document Verification",
  "document_type": "LLPIN",
  "id_number": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
  "consent": "Y",
  "consent_purpose": "To verify LLPIN document"
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "kycStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "KYC Details for LLPIN retrieved successfully.",
    "kycResult": {
        "charges": [],
        "directors": [
                "endDate": "NA",
                "surrenderedDin": "NO",
                "dinOrPan": "XXXXXXX",
                "beginDate": "24/03/2015",
                "name": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX"
                "endDate": "NA",
                "surrenderedDin": "NO",
                "dinOrPan": "XXXXXXX",
                "beginDate": "24/03/2015",
                "name": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX"
        "llpMasterData": {
            "emailId": "[email protected]",
            "dateOfLastFinancialYearEndDateForWhichAnnualReturnFiled": "NA",
            "dateOfLastFinancialYearEndDateForWhichStatementOfAccountsAndSolvencyFiled": "NA",
            "mainDivisionOfBusinessActivityToBeCarriedOutInIndia": "74",
            "previousFircompanyDetailifApplicable": "NA",
            "rocCode": "RoC-Mumbai",
            "numberOfDesignatedPartners": "2",
            "dateOfIncorporation": "24/03/2015",
            "llpName": "XXXXXXXXXX LLP",
            "totalObligationOfContribution": "110000",
            "llpin ": "XXXXXXX",
            "llpStatus": "Active",
            "descriptionOfMainDivision": "Other Business Activities",
            "numberOfPartners": "0"
    "responseKey": "success_llpin",
    "responseCode": "S00000",
    "requestTimestamp": "2023-08-30 18:11:08.841061 IST (GMT +0530)",
    "responseTimestamp": "2023-08-30 18:11:16.167331 IST (GMT +0530)",

10. FCRN

FCRN stands for Foreign Company Registration Number and is a 6-digit number.

  "reference_id": "FCRN Document Verification",
  "document_type": "FCRN",
  "id_number": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
  "consent": "Y",
  "consent_purpose": "To verify FCRN document"
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "kycStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "message": "KYC Details for FCRN retrieved successfully.",
    "kycResult": {
        "charges": [],
        "directors": [
                "endDate": "NA",
                "surrenderedDin": "NO",
                "dinOrPan": "XXXXXXXX",
                "beginDate": "24/03/2015",
                "name": "XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX"
                "endDate": "NA",
                "surrenderedDin": "NO",
                "dinOrPan": "XXXXXXXX",
                "beginDate": "24/03/2015",
                "name": "XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX"
        "llpMasterData": {
            "emailId": "[email protected]",
            "dateOfLastFinancialYearEndDateForWhichAnnualReturnFiled": "NA",
            "dateOfLastFinancialYearEndDateForWhichStatementOfAccountsAndSolvencyFiled": "NA",
            "mainDivisionOfBusinessActivityToBeCarriedOutInIndia": "74",
            "previousFircompanyDetailifApplicable": "NA",
            "rocCode": "RoC-Mumbai",
            "numberOfDesignatedPartners": "2",
            "dateOfIncorporation": "24/03/2015",
            "llpName": "XXXXXXXX LLP",
            "totalObligationOfContribution": "110000",
            "llpin ": "XXXXXXX",
            "llpStatus": "Active",
            "descriptionOfMainDivision": "Other Business Activities",
            "numberOfPartners": "0"
    "responseKey": "success_fcrn",
    "responseCode": "S00000",
    "requestTimestamp": "2023-08-30 18:20:20.856513 IST (GMT +0530)",
    "responseTimestamp": "2023-08-30 18:20:22.123674 IST (GMT +0530)",

2. Udyam Suite

What is Udyam and why is it important?

Udyam is a government registration system designed to provide a unique identification number (Udyam Number) to Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs).

It plays a critical role in promoting and supporting the growth of these enterprises by granting access to various government schemes, subsidies, and financial benefits.

Udyam registration simplifies the process for MSMEs to avail loans, tax incentives, and market access, enabling them to scale their operations more efficiently.

Additionally, the Udyam Number acts as a trusted business identity, which is important for enhancing credibility and improving opportunities for business partnerships and growth.

Key Facts:

  1. Udyam numbers can be generated in real-time.
  2. Udyam numbers are unique to a PAN number.
  3. A single mobile or Aadhaar number can be linked to multiple Udyam numbers.
  4. Udyam numbers do not have any expiration.
  5. Udyam documents do not segregate between the sole proprietor's name (legal name) and the name of the establishment. Either of those names can be provided as the "Udyam Name" of the document.

Decentro's Udyam Suite offers a host of solutions for all your Udyam needs

Search Udyam via Mobile

The Mobile to Udyam API provides all linked Udyam numbers and PAN numbers to the given input mobile number.

Key Features:

  • Utilizes direct Mobile to Udyam linkage with 100% confidence
  • It can be combined with the UDYAM FETCH Hyperstream to download certificates as well
  • Ensures seamless and easy fetch of all Udyam without any OTP.

Fetch Udyam

The Fetch Udyam provides a more confident and authenticated method to retrieve Udyam numbers and Udyam Certificates. By using the mobile number and an OTP, this API ensures that the correct Udyam data is retrieved from the registry, including the official certificate that verifies a business’s registration.

  • Key Features:
    • Utilizes OTP-based authentication for secure data retrieval.
    • Provide the Udyam number and the associated Udyam Certificate.
    • Ensures that only authorized parties can fetch this sensitive information.

Udyam Registration

The Udyam Registration APIs offer businesses the ability to register for a Udyam number directly through your platform. This is particularly useful for businesses that do not yet have a Udyam number but need to obtain one to qualify for various benefits and schemes offered by the government for MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises).

  • Key Features:
    • Simplifies the registration process by integrating it into your platform.
    • Automates the entire Udyam registration process, removing the need for manual data entry.
    • Ensures seamless user experience by keeping all operations within a single interface.

Udyam HyperStream

The Udyam HyperStream is a comprehensive solution that combines search and validation in one unified endpoint. Instead of performing two separate actions—searching for Udyam details and then validating them—this API returns both the search results and associated Udyam details, including a PDF of the certificate, in a single response. This streamlines the process, making it efficient for platforms that need to quickly confirm Udyam's status.

  • Key Features:
    • Combines both search and validation processes into a single API call.
    • Returns Udyam details for up to 5 Udyam numbers at once.
    • Provides a downloadable PDF of the Udyam certificate as part of the response.

3. Shop Establishment API

API Overview

The Shop Establishment API allows for the verification of shop establishment details based on a shop establishment ID and other relevant information such as the state code and category (for Maharashtra).


Endpoint: /v2/kyc/identities/business-verification/shop-establishment


KeyDescriptionExample Value
client_idYour unique client IDxxxx
client_secretYour unique client secretxxxxx
module_secretUnique secret for this API modulexxxx
Content-TypeThe content type of the requestapplication/json

Body Parameters:

KeyTypeDescriptionRequiredExample Value
reference_idstringUnique reference ID for the request.Yes4137c3a6-d7fa-4495-ae1e-c1c3f08057b4
consentbooleanCustomer consent for verifying shop establishment details.Yestrue
purposestringPurpose of the request.YesFor verify a Shop using the Shop Establishment ID
id_numberstringShop establishment ID number.YesSCA/2020/14/135624
state_codestringState code where the shop is registered. Must be one of the enumerations (listed below).YesRJ
categorystringApplicable only for Maharashtra (MH). One of the listed categories (Shop, Commercial, etc.).No*Commercial

*category is required if state_code is MH. Otherwise, it is optional.

State Codes:

The state code (state_code) must be one of the following:

CodeState Name
WBWest Bengal
UPUttar Pradesh
MPMadhya Pradesh
JKJammu Kashmir

If an invalid state_code is provided, the API will return the following error:

Error Response for Invalid State Code:

    "responseKey": "error_invalid_state_code",
    "message": "The state_code value should be one of the following values: [ WB, TS, UP, RJ, DL, MH, KR, JR, MP, JK ]"


Upon a successful request, the API will return the shop establishment details.

Response Keys:

KeyTypeDescriptionExample Value
decentroTxnIdstringUnique transaction ID generated for this request.C566EBC6822C4D728FEED8A4C38484F5
statusstringStatus of the request (e.g., SUCCESS, FAILED).SUCCESS
responseCodestringCode representing the result of the API request.S00000
messagestringMessage explaining the result.Shop Establishment Details retrieved Successfully
dataobjectObject containing the shop establishment details.(See below for detailed structure)
responseKeystringKey representing the success or error of the request.success_shop_establishment_details_found

Data Object:

KeyTypeDescriptionExample Value
essentialsobjectContains essential establishment information.(See below for detailed structure)
resultobjectDetailed shop establishment result.(See below for detailed structure)

Essentials Object:

KeyTypeDescriptionExample Value
registrationNumberstringShop establishment registration number.SCA/2020/14/135624
statestringState where the shop is registered.Rajasthan
categorystringShop category (only for Maharashtra).COMMERCIAL II

Result Object:

KeyTypeDescriptionExample Value
namestringName of the shop establishment.MAHAWAR CABLE TV NETWORK
registrationNumberstringShop registration number.SCA/2020/14/135624
dateOfCommencementstringDate when the shop establishment commenced operations.28/07/2020
statusstringStatus of the shop establishment (e.g., VALID, EXPIRED).VALID
summaryobjectSummary details of the shop establishment.(See below for detailed structure)

Summary Object:

KeyTypeDescriptionExample Value
registrationNumberstringShop establishment registration number.SCA/2020/14/135624
namestringName of the shop establishment.MAHAWAR CABLE TV NETWORK
statusstringStatus of the shop establishment.VALID
dateOfCommencementstringDate when the shop establishment commenced operations.28/07/2020
addressstringAddress of the shop establishment (if available).
splitAddressobjectSplit address details (district, city, state, etc.).(See below for structure)

SplitAddress Object:

districtarrayDistrict(s) where the shop is located.
statearrayState(s) where the shop is located.
cityarrayCity where the shop is located.
pincodestringPincode of the shop location.
countryarrayCountry where the shop is located.
addressLinestringComplete address line (if available).

Error Handling

If state_code is MH and the category is missing:

Error Response for Missing Category:

    "responseKey": "error_empty_category",
    "message": "The state_code value of MH requires a mandatory category key as well, which can take one of the following values: [ Shop, Commercial, Restaurant and Eating House, Residential Hotel & Theatre and Public Amusement]"