Mobile to X Suite


The Mobile to X Suite of APIs comes in 3 flavors that are carefully segregated based on the requirements of the customer and the user journey:

  • Mobile to Name API
  • Mobile to VPA Basic API
  • Mobile to VPA Advanced API

Decentro’s current offering provides 3 flavors that vary in terms of the richness in the output, pricing, and features. For the “Mobile Number” input, you can receive one of the following outputs:

  1. Full Name of the person via the Mobile to Name API
  2. Full name of the person + a valid UPI VPA via the Mobile to VPA (Basic) API
    1. You can also choose to get a list of the above records in the same API.
  3. Full name of the person + a valid UPI VPA + the IFSC code and the type of the account via the Mobile to VPA (Advanced) API
    1. You can also choose to get a list of the above records in the same API.


Automatic Salutation Removal

Mobile to Name, Mobile VPA (Basic) and Mobile to VPA (Advanced) APIs now do a salutation removal check, including Indian honorifics, so that all downstream APIs such as PAN Validation and Credit Report fetch have better success rates.

Mobile to Name API

Endpoint: /v2/financial_services/mobile_to_name

Sample Request Body

    "reference_id": "XXXXXXXX",
    "consent": true,
    "purpose": "To verify user VPA/ Name",
    "mobile": "XXXXXX"

Request Mapping Table

reference_idStringUnique identifier for the transaction"XX-wqdw-47d7-abe0-XXwege"
consentBooleanUser's consent for VPA verification"true/false"
purposeStringPurpose of verificationTo verify user VPA/ Name
mobileIntegerUser's mobile number(10 digits)"9999999999"

Sample Response Body

    "decentroTxnId": "XXXXX",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "responseCode": "S00000",
    "message": "VPA fetched successfully",
    "data": {
        "name": "XXX"
    "responseKey": "success_vpa_found"

Response Mapping Table

decentroTxnIdDecentro Transaction ID"D871D26379284A5FD4E550A2D8FE"
statusOverall status of the verification"SUCCESS"
responseCodeResponse code indicating the result"S00000"
messageBrief description of the status"VPA fetched successfully"
dataDetailed information about the verificationFor the Mobile to Name API, this object will only contain the name key.
responseKeyUnique identifier for the response type"success_vpa_found"

Mobile to VPA (Basic) API

Endpoint: /v2/financial_services/mobile_to_vpa/basic

Sample Request Body

    "reference_id": "XXXXXXXX",
    "consent": true,
    "purpose": "To verify user VPA/ Name",
    "mobile": "XXXXXX"


Optional multiple parameter

If you want to collect multiple data points for a given parameter, you can pass the optional field multiple which accepts a boolean value. When set to true, the results array is multi-member array if more VPA are found.

When multiple is set to false, the results array will always be a single-member array.

Request Mapping Table

reference_idStringUnique identifier for the transaction"XX-wqdw-47d7-abe0-XXwege"
consentBooleanUser's consent for VPA verification"true/false"
purposeStringPurpose of verificationTo verify user VPA/ Name
mobileIntegerUser's mobile number(10 digits)"9999999999"

Sample Response Body

    "decentroTxnId": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "responseCode": "S00000",
    "message": "VPA(s) fetched successfully",
    "data": {
      "results": [
          "name": "Charles Babbage",
          "vpa": "1111111111@axl",
          "tpap": [
               "Google Pay"

Response Mapping Table

decentroTxnIdDecentro Transaction ID"D871D26379284A5FD4E550A2D8FE"
statusOverall status of the verification"SUCCESS"
responseCodeResponse code indicating the result"S00000"
messageBrief description of the status"VPA fetched successfully"
dataDetailed information about the verificationContains a single member results which is an array of objects.
responseKeyUnique identifier for the response type"success_vpa_found"

Mobile to VPA (Advanced) API

Endpoint: /v2/financial_services/mobile_to_vpa/advance

Sample Request Body

    "reference_id": "XXXXXXXX",
    "consent": true,
    "purpose": "To verify user VPA/ Name",
    "mobile": "XXXXXX"


Optional multiple parameter

If you want to collect multiple data points for a given parameter, you can pass the optional field multiple which accepts a boolean value. When set to true, the results array is multi-member array if more VPA are found.

When multiple is set to false, the results array will always be a single-member array.

Request Mapping Table

reference_idStringUnique identifier for the transaction"XX-wqdw-47d7-abe0-XXwege"
consentBooleanUser's consent for VPA verification"true/false"
purposeStringPurpose of verificationTo verify user VPA/ Name
mobileIntegerUser's mobile number(10 digits)"9999999999"

Sample Response Body

    "decentroTxnId": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "responseCode": "S00000",
    "message": "VPA(s) fetched successfully",
    "data": {
      "results": [
                "name": "Customer Name",
                "vpa": "1111111111@axl",
                "merchantCode": "1234",
                "merchantIfsc": "IDIB000A123",
                "merchantAccountType": "SAVINGS",
              	"tpap": [
                  "Google Pay"

Response Mapping Table

decentroTxnIdDecentro Transaction ID"D871D26379284A5FD4E550A2D8FE"
statusOverall status of the verification"SUCCESS"
responseCodeResponse code indicating the result"S00000"
messageBrief description of the status"VPA fetched successfully"
dataDetailed information about the verificationContains a single member results which is an array of objects.
responseKeyUnique identifier for the response type"success_vpa_found"