Employment Verification

Employer Domain Verification w/o OTP


The Employer Domain Verification Service is a robust tool designed to validate email addresses and provide insights into associated companies and accounts.

Key Features:

  • Email Validation: Instantly verify the authenticity of email addresses.
  • Company Details: Retrieve comprehensive information about associated companies, including registration data and financial specifics.
  • Account Insights: Access account-related details such as usernames and gibberish detection.

How it Works:

Simply provide an email address, and the service returns a verification report containing the status of the email, company details (if applicable), and account insights.

Use Cases:

  • Plug and Play: Disposable Inbox Check and Public Inbox Check baked-in to the product.
  • Fraud Prevention: Identify suspicious email addresses to prevent fraudulent activities.
  • Data Enrichment: Enhance customer profiles by appending company details to email addresses.
  • Account Security: Detect and mitigate the risk of gibberish or randomly generated usernames.


  • Accuracy: Real-time verification ensures accurate results.
  • Efficiency: Streamline operations with quick and reliable email validation.
  • Insightful Data: Gain valuable insights into companies and accounts associated with email addresses.


Not satisfied with the no-OTP flow?

For further confidence in account ownership, you may choose to do an additional OTP-based check once the non-OTP-based checks are complete. You can do this via the Generate Email OTP and the Verify Email OTP APIs.

Generate OTP API

ParameterData TypeDescription
Reference IDStringA unique identifier associated with the OTP generation request, facilitates tracking and management.
ConsentBooleanA boolean value indicating the user's agreement to generate OTP for email verification.
PurposeStringA description clarifying the intended use of the OTP, providing context for the verification.
EmailStringThe email address for which OTP is to be generated.

Sample Curl Request:

curl --location 'https://in.decentro.tech/v2/kyc/utilities/email' \
--header 'client_id: XXXXXX' \
--header 'client_secret: XXXXXX' \
--header 'module_secret: XXXXXX' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "reference_id": "XXXXXXX",
    "consent": true,
    "purpose": "For email OTP verification",
    "email": "XXXXXXXX"

Sample Response:

    "decentroTxnId": "XXXXXXXXXX",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "responseCode": "S00000",
    "message": "The OTP has been sent to the email address successfully.",
    "responseKey": "success_email_otp_sent"

Validate OTP API

ParameterData TypeDescription
Reference IDStringA unique identifier associated with the OTP validation request, facilitating tracking and management.
ConsentBooleanA boolean value indicating the user's agreement to validate OTP for email verification.
PurposeStringA description clarifying the intended use of the OTP validation, providing context for the verification.
OTPStringThe One-Time Password (OTP) received for email verification.

Sample Curl Request:

curl --location 'https://in.decentro.tech/v2/kyc/utilities/email/verify/<DECENTRO_TRANSACTION_ID>' \
--header 'client_id: XXXXXXX' \
--header 'client_secret: XXXXXX' \
--header 'module_secret: XXXXXX' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
    "reference_id": "XXXXXXXX",
    "consent": true,
    "purpose": "For email otp verification",
    "otp": "XXXXXXX"

Sample Response:

    "decentroTxnId": "XXXXXXXXXX",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "responseCode": "S00000",
    "message": "The email address was verified successfully with an OTP.",
    "data": {
        "otpVerified": true
    "responseKey": "success_email_otp_verification"

Get Started:

Check out our API Reference and start leveraging the Employer Domain Verification Service today to enhance data quality, improve security, and streamline processes.