The API call was successful, but no credit records were found for the provided customer details. This indicates the customer may not have a credit history with Equifax.
"Mobile is not valid. Please provide a valid mobile containing 10 digits starting with 6, 7, 8 or 9."
The provided mobile number does not meet validation requirements. The request was rejected before attempting to retrieve credit information.
"decentroTxnId": "87EA90D3D33F4F27B1368EA604855638",
"status": "FAILURE",
"responseCode": "E00009",
"message": "Mobile is not valid. Please provide a valid mobile containing 10 digits starting with 6, 7, 8 or 9.",
"responseKey": "error_invalid_mobile"
Response Code Reference
Response Key
HTTP Status
Credit score fetched successfully.
Credit score not found.
Mobile is not valid. Please provide a valid mobile containing 10 digits starting with 6, 7, 8 or 9.
Implementation Guidelines
Error Handling
Always check the status and responseCode fields to determine the result of the API call
Note that an HTTP 200 response may still contain error information (e.g., customer not found)
Implement appropriate retry logic for temporary failures
Data Processing
Credit score values should be treated as strings in processing logic
The scoringElements array is ordered by importance (seq field)
The top three scoring elements represent the most significant factors affecting the credit score
Security Considerations
Implement proper authentication before making API calls
Always transmit customer information over secure channels
Obtain appropriate consent before retrieving credit information
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!