Credit Score


Important Note

Please use only Staging Credentials on each API Reference page to test the APIs directly from our Documentation.


This API allows applications to retrieve credit scores from the Equifax Credit Bureau using a customer's mobile number and name.

Request Specification

Request Body Parameters

ParameterData TypeRequiredDescription
mobileStringYesCustomer's 10-digit mobile number. Must start with 6, 7, 8, or 9.
nameStringYesCustomer's full name as registered with credit bureau.

Example Request

    "mobile": "9999999999",
    "name": "John Doe"

Response Specification

Success Response Structure

KeyData TypeDescription
decentroTxnIdStringUnique transaction identifier for the API call. Used for debugging and tracking.
statusStringOverall status of the API call. Possible values: "SUCCESS", "FAILURE".
responseCodeStringSpecific code indicating the result of the operation. Format: "S" prefix for success, "E" prefix for errors.
messageStringHuman-readable description of the API call result.
dataObjectContains the credit score information when available. Only present in successful score retrievals.
data.scoreDetailsArrayList of credit score objects. May contain multiple score types.
scoreDetails[].typeStringCode identifying the scoring model used (e.g., "ERS").
scoreDetails[].versionStringVersion of the scoring model (e.g., "4.0").
scoreDetails[].nameStringDisplay name of the scoring model (e.g., "ERS4.0").
scoreDetails[].valueStringThe actual credit score value.
scoringElementsArrayFactors that influenced the credit score.
scoringElements[].typeStringType of scoring element (e.g., "RES" for reason).
scoringElements[].seqStringSequence number indicating importance of the factor.
scoringElements[].codeStringCode identifying the specific factor.
scoringElements[].descriptionStringHuman-readable description of the factor.
responseKeyStringStandardized key for the response type. Useful for programmatic handling.

Response Scenarios

1. Successful Credit Score Retrieval

HTTP Status200 OK
message"Credit score fetched successfully."
DescriptionThe API successfully retrieved the customer's credit score from Equifax.
    "decentroTxnId": "1C03B0450BEA436B8A273F0CEB39D104",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "responseCode": "S00000",
    "message": "Credit score fetched successfully.",
    "data": {
        "scoreDetails": [
                "type": "ERS",
                "version": "4.0",
                "name": "ERS4.0",
                "value": "816",
                "scoringElements": [
                        "type": "RES",
                        "seq": "1",
                        "code": "703",
                        "description": "Total Utilization"
                        "type": "RES",
                        "seq": "2",
                        "code": "706",
                        "description": "Number of Inquiries"
                        "type": "RES",
                        "seq": "3",
                        "code": "704",
                        "description": "Credit Card Utilization"
    "responseKey": "success_credit_score"

2. Customer Not Found

HTTP Status200 OK
message"Credit score not found."
DescriptionThe API call was successful, but no credit records were found for the provided customer details. This indicates the customer may not have a credit history with Equifax.
    "decentroTxnId": "E5AC0C5E6D6D42EA9E28B43D08A512C8",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "responseCode": "E00058",
    "message": "Credit score not found.",
    "responseKey": "error_credits_score_not_found"

3. Invalid Mobile Number

HTTP Status400 Bad Request
message"Mobile is not valid. Please provide a valid mobile containing 10 digits starting with 6, 7, 8 or 9."
DescriptionThe provided mobile number does not meet validation requirements. The request was rejected before attempting to retrieve credit information.
    "decentroTxnId": "87EA90D3D33F4F27B1368EA604855638",
    "status": "FAILURE",
    "responseCode": "E00009",
    "message": "Mobile is not valid. Please provide a valid mobile containing 10 digits starting with 6, 7, 8 or 9.",
    "responseKey": "error_invalid_mobile"

Response Code Reference

Response KeyHTTP StatusMessage
success_credit_score200Credit score fetched successfully.
error_credits_score_not_found200Credit score not found.
error_invalid_mobile400Mobile is not valid. Please provide a valid mobile containing 10 digits starting with 6, 7, 8 or 9.

Implementation Guidelines

Error Handling

  • Always check the status and responseCode fields to determine the result of the API call
  • Note that an HTTP 200 response may still contain error information (e.g., customer not found)
  • Implement appropriate retry logic for temporary failures

Data Processing

  • Credit score values should be treated as strings in processing logic
  • The scoringElements array is ordered by importance (seq field)
  • The top three scoring elements represent the most significant factors affecting the credit score

Security Considerations

  • Implement proper authentication before making API calls
  • Always transmit customer information over secure channels
  • Obtain appropriate consent before retrieving credit information
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!