UPI Collections V3

This set of APIs from Decentro are designed to help platforms facilitate UPI collections.

Decentro's v3 collections stack is designed for scale with support for multiple partners in the backend and designed for handling complex workflows.

Decentro's v3 collections stack broadly has the APIs listed below.

  • Generate payment link: This API lets the platforms collect funds from payers through intent flow/payment link without entering the payer's VPA. Suitable for app or mobile-based flows.
  • Generate Dynamic QR: This API lets the platforms collect funds from payers through a dynamic QR code without entering the payer's VPA. Suitable for offline or laptop-based flows.
  • Issue collect request: This API lets the platforms collect funds from payers through a collect request after entering the payer's VPA. It is suitable for web or laptop-based flows. This is under development and will be rolled out shortly.
  • Refund: This API lets the platforms refund the funds collected through a payment link, dynamic QR, or collect request. Note that static QR transactions aren't supported.
  • Terminal Transaction Status Callback/Webhook: This webhook lets the platforms know the transaction status collected through a payment link, dynamic QR, or collect request.
  • Account Balance Callback/Webhook: This webhook lets the platforms know the ledger/payee account balance after a credit or debit.
  • Get transaction status: This API lets the platforms check the status of a payment link and collect requests or dynamic QR code-based transactions as an alternative to a callback.