Validate Bank Account (Penniless / Penny Drop)


Important Note

Please use only Staging Credentials on each API Reference page to test the APIs directly from our Documentation.

API Endpoints

This API allows you to validate a bank account by doing a penny drop (small deposit) transaction automatically. This is a sync API and Decentro returns the response of the account immediately.


Simulation Data

Decentro provides the test data which will simulate various scenarios of the API when a transaction takes place.

Note: This test data is only valid in the Staging environment.

Important:Please refer to the Simulation Data guide here

API Specifications

Request Payload

Request ParameterMandatory (M) / Optional (O) / Conditional Mandatory (CM)Description
reference_idMA URN to be passed by the user for each API request. Alphanumeric values are allowed. Special characters such as “@ # $ % ^ & * ! ; : ~ ` ? = + ) ( apostrophe, double quotes” are not allowed
purpose_messageM1. The narration/remarks that will be displayed in the beneficiaries bank statement.

2. Only Alphanumeric values are allowed, special characters such as “@ # $ % ^ & * ! ; : ~ ` ? = + ) ( apostrophe, double quotes” are not allowed.

3. Minimum length is 5 characters and Maximum length is 255 characters
transfer_amountOThe Amount to be transferred.If no amount is entered, then the default value will be considered as INR 1. Minimum amount is INR 1 and Maximum amount is INR 100( 2 Decimal values are allowed Ex: 1.00)
validation_typeOThe validation method to be passed.
The accepted values are



account_numberMBeneficiary Account Number to be added. The account number that needs to be validated
ifscMBeneficiary IFSC code to be added.

1. Alphanumeric values are allowed as per the IFSC code assigned to the beneficiary bank.

2. If the transfer type is UPI, this parameter is not required.

3. Maximum length is 11 characters

Response Payload

Request ParameterMandatory (M) / Optional (O) / Conditional Mandatory (CM)Description
statusMThe status of the payout transaction. These are the status available

1. Success
2. Failure
3. inconclusive
decentroTxnIdMA URN generated by Decentro against the API request
responseCodeMThe response code of the API request
messageMThe message on the status of the account
providerMessageCMThe message on the status of the transaction. This parameter will be generated when the status is "Success" or "Failure"
accountStatusM"Valid" or "Invalid" will be passed here
beneficiaryNameCMThe beneficiary name of the account holder
bankReferenceNumberCMThe bank reference number of the transaction. This parameter will be generated when the status is "Success" or "Failure"
validationTypeCMThe Validation method performed for this request. This parameter will show the values "Penniless" and "Penny Drop"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!