CKYC Upload (Individuals)


Important Note

Please use only Staging Credentials on each API Reference page to test the APIs directly from our Documentation.

API Endpoints

Staging / Sandbox

This API reference details the interface for uploading individuals to the CKYC registry.

For a high level understanding of the API, refer to CKYC Bulk Upload Guide

verifier Object

The verifier object represents details of an employee from the regulated entity that has verified the records to be uploaded on CKYC registry.

The object is a mandatory field for all CKYC bulk uploads, and contains the parameters denoted in the table mentioned below.

nameStringYesThe name of the employee who has done the KYC verification and is performing the CKYC upload.
designationStringYesThe designation of the employee who is performing the CKYC upload.
kyc_declaration_placeStringYesThe place of declaration or verification of the KYC documents.
employee_codeStringYesThe employee code of the person performing the CKYC upload.
individualsArrayNoAn array of individuals whose details are to be uploaded to CKYC. Refer the Individuals array
legal_entitiesArrayNoAn array of legal entities whose details are to be uploaded to CKYC.

individuals Array

The individuals array denotes a list of users who have to be either created or updated in the CKYC registry.

The details and validations of the objects inside the array are provided in the table mentioned below.

identifierStringYesA unique reference ID of this user set by the RE. This is a mandatory field.
salutationStringYesThe salutation of the user should be less than 5 characters. Examples are "MR", "MRS", "MS" and "MX"
nameStringYesThe full name of the user.
genderStringYesThe gender of the user can be one of the following: MALE, FEMALE and TRANSGENDER
date_of_birthStringYesThe date of the birth of the user. Validation is done on the format. The date format needs to be “YYYY-MM-DD”.
relativeObjectYesThe object contains the type (string) and name (string) of the relative. The type of the relative can be one FATHER or SPOUSE
locationObjectYesThe object that denotes the full address of the individual.
document_submission_typeStringYesString denoting the types of documents submitted. Please refer to the Document Submission Type section.

Can be one of the following:

documentsArrayYesArray representing the list of documents. Following documents are mandatory:

• 1 document of type PHOTOGRAPH
• 1 valid document that can be a Proof of Address

Refer to the Document Type section to learn more about the valid values for the type field in the members of documents array.
idsArrayYes`Array representing the list of IDs collected for the user.

• 1 document ID of type PAN is mandatory.
• 1 valid document ID that can be a Proof of Address

Refer to the ID type section to learn more about the valid values for the type field in the members of documents array.

location Object

addressStringYesThe address string denoting the address of the user.
pincodeStringYesA pincode of the address of the user.
stateStringNoThe state of the address of the user.
cityStringNoThe city of the address of the user.

relative Object

typeStringYesThe type of the relative mentioned for the user. The type can be one of the following:

nameStringYesThe full name of the relative of the user.

documents Array

The documents array is a list of objects. The following table represents the member objects of the documents array.

base64StringYesThe base64 string containing the actual image of the document. The maximum allowed size for these documents is 1 MB.
typeStringYesThe type of the document for the user. The type can be one of the following:


ids Array

The ids array is a list of objects. The following table represents the member objects of the ids array.

id_numberStringYesThe ID number corresponding to the ID type.
typeStringYesThe type of the ID of the user. The type can be one of the following:




In the ids Array, when the type is mentioned as PAN, the value should be one of the following:

  • FORM60
  • A valid PAN number (5 Alphabets + 4 Numbers + 1 Alphabet)


Skip CKYC Search Step by passing the CKYC_ID in the ids array. This will push the record directly to Update pipeline.

Address Objects

location Object

  • Represents the user's correspondence address by default
  • When permanent_location is not provided, also serves as the permanent address

permanent_location Object

  • Optional
  • When provided, represents the user's permanent address specifically

Key Behaviors

  1. Single Address Scenario

    • When only location is provided, it serves as both correspondence and permanent address
  2. Dual Address Scenario

    • When both location and permanent_location are provided:
      • location becomes correspondence address only
      • permanent_location becomes the permanent address
      • Both objects must include an address_proof field

Address Proof Types

When both address types are provided, each must include an address_proof field with one of these values:

  • EKYC

Error Handling During Validation Errors

Structure of API Error Response

An API response indicating a validation error typically follows this general structure:

    "decentroTxnId": "<Transaction ID>",
    "status": "FAILURE",
    "responseCode": "E00009",
    "message": "Issues detected with the request payload.",
    "data": {
        "individuals": [
                "index": <Index>,
                "identifier": "<Identifier>",
                "count": <Count>,
                "errors": [
                        "message": "<Error Message>",
                        "responseKey": "<Error Response Key>"
    "responseKey": "error_invalid_payload"


Key Elements

  • decentroTxnId: A unique identifier for the transaction.
  • status: Indicates the overall status of the request, which is FAILURE for validation errors.
  • responseCode: A specific code (E00009) indicating a payload issue.
  • message: Describes the general nature of the issue.
  • data: Contains details about specific validation errors related to individuals.
  • responseKey: A constant key (error_invalid_payload) indicating the type of error.

Examples of Validation Errors

Invalid Date of Birth

    "decentroTxnId": "C3380C1F36E742BD849103396DFD0593",
    "status": "FAILURE",
    "responseCode": "E00009",
    "message": "Issues detected with the request payload.",
    "data": {
        "individuals": [
                "index": 0,
                "identifier": "12312ssdfsdf",
                "count": 1,
                "errors": [
                        "message": "Date of birth is not valid. Hint: date_of_birth (yyyy-mm-dd)",
                        "responseKey": "error_invalid_date_of_birth"
    "responseKey": "error_invalid_payload"

Invalid Pincode

    "decentroTxnId": "EEB679CE926C4E5A9FC4EE157552913D",
    "status": "FAILURE",
    "responseCode": "E00009",
    "message": "Issues detected with the request payload.",
    "data": {
        "individuals": [
                "index": 0,
                "identifier": "12312ssdfsdf",
                "count": 1,
                "errors": [
                        "message": "Pincode is not valid. Hint: pincode (str)",
                        "responseKey": "error_invalid_pincode"
    "responseKey": "error_invalid_payload"

Invalid Identifier Length

    "decentroTxnId": "ED7F4E7486CD4FF7805D859456728C3D",
    "status": "FAILURE",
    "responseCode": "E00009",
    "message": "Issues detected with the request payload.",
    "data": {
        "individuals": [
                "index": 0,
                "identifier": "12312sdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdfsdf332",
                "count": 1,
                "errors": [
                        "message": "Identifier can be of at most 14 characters only.",
                        "responseKey": "error_invalid_identifier"
    "responseKey": "error_invalid_payload"

Invalid Relative Type

  "decentroTxnId": "38BE51DE29F3440998CD2A46C72562F0",
  "status": "FAILURE",
  "responseCode": "E00009",
  "message": "Issues detected with the request payload.",
  "data": {
    "individuals": [
        "index": 0,
        "identifier": "12312ssdfsdf",
        "count": 1,
        "errors": [
            "message": "Relative type is not valid. Permissible values: FATHER, SPOUSE",
            "responseKey": "error_invalid_relative_type"
  "responseKey": "error_invalid_payload"

Multiple Validation Errors

    "decentroTxnId": "FA962F6F72614872BF853BEA3895F3F8",
    "status": "FAILURE",
    "responseCode": "E00009",
    "message": "Issues detected with the request payload.",
    "data": {
        "individuals": [
                "index": 0,
                "identifier": "12312ssdfsdf",
                "count": 6,
                "errors": [
                        "message": "Pincode is not valid. Hint: pincode (str)",
                        "responseKey": "error_invalid_pincode"
                        "message": "Document type is not valid. Permissible values : SIGNATURE, AADHAAR, VOTERID, EKYC, PASSPORT, OFFLINE_KYC, DRIVING_LICENSE, NREGA, PHOTOGRAPH.",
                        "responseKey": "error_invalid_document_type"
                        "message": "Document type is not valid. Permissible values : AADHAAR, VOTERID, CKYC, EKYC, PASSPORT, OFFLINE_KYC, DRIVING_LICENSE, NREGA, PAN.",
                        "responseKey": "error_invalid_document_type"
                        "message": "Relative type is not valid. Permissible values: FATHER, SPOUSE",
                        "responseKey": "error_invalid_relative_type"
                        "message": "Date of birth is not valid. Hint: date_of_birth (yyyy-mm-dd)",
                        "responseKey": "error_invalid_date_of_birth"
                        "message": "Gender is not valid. Permissible values: MALE, FEMALE, TRANSGENDER",
                        "responseKey": "error_invalid_gender"
    "responseKey": "error_invalid_payload"

Response Keys

Here's a table of all CKYC Upload response keys and their descriptions:

error_invalid_relative_nameError Invalid Relative Name Error
error_invalid_relative_typeError Invalid Relative Type Error
error_empty_relative_typeError Empty Relative Type Error
error_empty_relative_nameError Empty Relative Name Error
error_empty_emp_codeEmpty Employee Code Error
error_empty_branchEmpty Branch Error
error_invalid_id_numberInvalid ID Number Error
error_invalid_document_submission_typeInvalid Document Submission Type
error_invalid_pincodeInvalid Pincode Error
error_empty_date_of_birthEmpty Date Of Birth Error
error_invalid_nameInvalid Name Error
error_empty_nameEmpty Name Error
error_empty_cityEmpty City Error
error_invalid_genderInvalid Gender Error
error_empty_verifier_nameEmpty Verifier Name Error
error_invalid_cityInvalid City Error
error_empty_individualsEmpty Individuals Error
error_invalid_addressInvalid Address Error
error_empty_locationEmpty Location Error
error_invalid_idsInvalid IDs Error
error_empty_document_submission_typeEmpty Document Submission Type
error_invalid_verifier_designationInvalid Verifier Designation
error_empty_documentsEmpty Documents Error
error_empty_identifierEmpty Identifier Error
error_empty_base64Empty base64 Error
error_invalid_branchInvalid Branch Error
error_invalid_date_of_birthInvalid Date of Birth Error
error_invalid_verifier_nameInvalid Verifier Name Error
error_empty_salutationEmpty Salutation Error
error_empty_addressEmpty Address Error
error_empty_verifier_designationEmpty Verifier Designation Error
error_invalid_document_typeInvalid Document Type Error
error_invalid_salutationInvalid Salutation Error
error_invalid_individualsInvalid Individuals Error
error_invalid_locationInvalid Location Error
error_invalid_batch_detailsInvalid Batch Details Error
error_invalid_emp_codeInvalid EMP Code Error
error_empty_state_codeEmpty State Code Error
error_empty_id_numberEmpty ID Number Error
success_initiate_bulk_uploadSuccess Initiate Bulk Payload
error_empty_idsEmpty IDs Error
error_invalid_base64Invalid Base64 Error
error_empty_document_typeEmpty Document Type Error
error_empty_pincodeEmpty Pincode Error
error_empty_batch_detailsEmpty Batch Details Error
error_empty_genderEmpty Gender Error
error_invalid_state_codeInvalid State Code Error
error_invalid_documentsInvalid Documents Error
error_invalid_identifierInvalid Identifiers Error
error_invalid_payloadInvalid Payload Error
error_duplicate_identifierDuplicate Identifier Error
error_empty_employee_codeEmpty Employee Code Error
error_empty_verifierEmpty Verifier Error
error_invalid_kyc_declaration_placeInvalid KYC Verification Place Error
error_invalid_employee_codeInvalid Employee Code Error
error_empty_kyc_declaration_placeEmpty KYC Declaration Place Error
error_invalid_verifierError Invalid Verifier
error_invalid_relativeInvalid Relative Error
error_empty_relativeEmpty Relative Error
error_upload_limit_exceededThe upload limit has exceeded
success_bulk_upload_status_extractedSuccess CKYC Upload Status Extracted
success_bulk_upload_entity_status_extractedSuccess CKYC Upload Entity Status Extracted
error_empty_incorporation_dateEmpty Incorporation Date Error
error_empty_related_individual_ckyc_idEmpty Related Individual CKYC ID Error
error_empty_entity_nameEmpty Entity Name Error
error_empty_incorporation_country_codeEmpty Incorporation Country Code Error
error_empty_related_individualsEmpty Related Individuals Error
error_invalid_related_individual_deletion_flagInvalid Related Individual Deletion Flag Error
error_empty_incorporation_placeEmpty Incorporation Place Error
error_invalid_related_individualsInvalid Related Individuals
error_invalid_related_individual_ckyc_idInvalid Related Individual CKYC ID Error
error_invalid_commencement_dateInvalid Commencement Date Error
error_invalid_related_individual_nameInvalid Related Individual Name Error
error_empty_commencement_dateEmpty Commencement Date Error
error_invalid_incorporationInvalid Incorporation Error
error_invalid_legal_entitesInvalid Legal Entities Error
error_invalid_incorporation_country_codeInvalid Incorporation Country Code Error
error_empty_related_individual_salutationEmpty Related Individual Salutation Error
error_empty_constitution_typeEmpty Constitution Type Error
error_invalid_entity_nameInvalid Entity Name Error
error_empty_legal_entitesEmpty Legal Entities Error
error_empty_related_individual_typeEmpty Related Individual Type
error_invalid_constitution_typeInvalid Constitution Type Error
error_invalid_incorporation_dateInvalid Incorporation Date Error
error_empty_related_individual_deletion_flagEmpty Related Individual Deletion Flag Error
error_empty_incorporationEmpty Incorporation Error
error_empty_related_individual_nameEmpty Related Individual Name Error
error_invalid_document_submission_typeInvalid Document Submission Type
error_invalid_document_typeInvalid Document Type Error

Callback Structure

Upon completion, the CKYC Upload process will send a unified callback that contains both the bulk response as well as individual line item responses. A sample of the callback structure is shown below:

    "referenceId": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "bulkDecentroTxnId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "callbackTxnId": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
    "timestamp": "2024-06-14T12:31:56.994998",
    "creationTimestamp": "2024-06-13T10:34:06.597703",
    "status": "COMPLETED",
    "description": "The CKYC records batch has been uploaded successfully.",
    "summary": {
        "totalRecords": 93,
        "processedRecords": 93,
        "invalidRecords": 6,
        "approvedRecords": 75,
        "rejectedRecords": 12
    "data": {
        "identifier1": {
            "stage": "RECORD_UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL",
            "status": "COMPLETED",
            "providerMessage": [
                    "remarks": "Update request successfully approved by checker for the CKYC number 01234567891234. The Update reference number is 01234567891",
                    "description": "The update request has been approved and processed successfully. No further action required.",
                    "reupload": false
            "additionalData": {
                "ckycReferenceId": "01234567891",
                "ckycId": "01234567891234"
        "identifier2": {
            "stage": "RECORD_UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL",
            "status": "COMPLETED",
            "providerMessage": [
                    "remarks": "Update request successfully approved by checker for the CKYC number 01234567891234. The Update reference number is 01234567891",
                    "description": "The update request has been approved and processed successfully. No further action required.",
                    "reupload": false
            "additionalData": {
                "ckycReferenceId": "01234567891",
                "ckycId": "01234567891234"
        "identifier3": {
            "stage": "RECORD_UPLOAD_SUCCESSFUL",
            "status": "COMPLETED",
            "providerMessage": [
                    "remarks": "Update request successfully approved by checker for the CKYC number 01234567891234. The Update reference number is 01234567891",
                    "description": "The update request has been approved and processed successfully. No further action required.",
                    "reupload": false
            "additionalData": {
                "ckycReferenceId": "01234567891",
                "ckycId": "01234567891234"

Keys in the Callback Payload

  • referenceId: A unique UUID that identifies this specific callback request.
  • bulkDecentroTxnId: A transaction ID for the bulk processing operation in the Decentro system. This is the same Decentro Transaction ID you get in the response of the CKYC Upload API.
  • callbackTxnId: A transaction ID specific to this callback notification. This is helpful in checking if the callback was sent by Decentro, and tracking the response sent by your webhook service.
  • timestamp: The datetime when this callback was generated
  • creationTimestamp: The datetime when the original bulk upload request was created.
  • type: Indicates the type of operation - in this case a bulk upload of CKYC (Central KYC) records for individuals.
  • stage: The current stage of processing for the bulk operation is here, showing the records that were successfully uploaded. The possible values of this key are as follows:
    • BULK_CKYC_UPLOAD_RECORDS_ACCEPTED - Records Accepted For Processing
    • BULK_CKYC_UPLOAD_REQUEST_ACKNOWLEDGED - Upload request acknowledged by CERSAI
    • BULK_RECORDS_ACCEPTED - Bulk Records Accepted
    • BULK_RECORDS_PROCESSING_COMPLETED - Bulk Records Processing Completed
    • BULK_RECORDS_PROCESSING_FAILED - Bulk Records Processing Failed
    • BULK_RECORDS_PROCESSING_INITIATED - Bulk Records Processing Initiated
    • BULK_CKYC_UPLOAD_ZIP_GENERATION_INITIATED - ZIP generation for CKYC upload initiated.
    • BULK_CKYC_UPLOAD_ZIP_GENERATION_FAILED - ZIP generation failed for CKYC upload.
  • status: Overall status of the operation - "COMPLETED" means the process has finished successfully. Possible values are as follows:
    • ACCEPTED - Request accepted
    • INITIATED - Request processing initiated
    • PROCESSING - Request in process
    • COMPLETED - Request processing complted
    • FAILED- Request processing failed
  • description: A human-readable description of the current state of the operation.
  • summary: Statistics about the batch processing:
    • totalRecords: Total number of records in the batch
    • processedRecords: Number of records that were processed
    • invalidRecords: Number of records that were invalidated by Decentro's validation rules. These are the same rules that CERSAI uses to invalidate records
    • approvedRecords: Number of records that were approved by CERSAI
    • rejectedRecords: Number of records that were rejected by CERSAI
  • data: Contains details for each individual record in the batch, organized by identifier:
    • For each identifier (identifier1, identifier2, etc. where identifier1 and identifier2 are the values provided as the identifier key of the CKYC Upload API Request payload):
      • stage: Current processing stage for this specific record
      • status: Status of this specific record's processing
      • providerMessage: Array of messages from the CKYC provider:
        • remarks: Detailed remarks from the provider about the processing
        • description: A human-readable description of the processing outcome
        • reupload: Boolean flag indicating if this record needs to be reuploaded
      • additionalData: Additional record-specific data:
        • ckycReferenceId: The reference ID for the CKYC update request.
        • ckycId: The permanent CKYC identifier for this individual. This is a 14 Digit Number. In some cases, this number can be masked.

List of all responses

The line items in the unified callback will have the following remarks along with the corresponding descriptions and reupload. Also note, that each line item may also come with the additionalData object which can contain ckycReferenceId, ckycId or both.

RemarkDescriptionRecommend Reupload
Update request successfully approved by checker for the CKYC number XXXXXX. The Updated reference number is XXXXX.The update request has been approved and processed successfully. No further action is required.No
The last 4 digits of Aadhaar, Name, DOB, and Gender match with that of CKYC no XXXXX. Please download the record.The provided Aadhaar details match an existing CKYC record. Download the existing CKYC record for further action. No reupload required unless changes are needed.No
KYC Number is not linkedThe KYC number provided has not been linked to the account. Link the KYC number to the account before proceeding. Reupload after downloading the record post user consent only.No
Impermissible values entered in XXXXXInvalid data or characters were entered in the specified field. Ensure valid values are entered. Reupload after correcting.Yes
Number of Identity Details in 20 type does not match the count of 30 type records providedThe count of identity details provided does not match across fields. Correct the number of records in the respective fields so they match. Reupload after correcting.Yes
Your request cannot be processed as there is another update request under process for this record.Another update request for the same record is already being processed. Wait 24 hours, then submit a new request.Yes
Please enter a valid Permanent State code, PIN is not matching with StateThe provided PIN code does not match the entered State. Correct the PIN and State combination. Reupload after correcting.Yes
Application Type should be 03 for update moduleThere was an error in segregating this record as an existing record, and hence was pushed to the creation pipeline. Please add the CKYC Number in the list of IDs and reupload.Yes
FIELD_NAME update Flag should be enteredIndicates that a specific field's update flag is required. Ensure that the update flag for the specified field is properly entered. Reupload after correcting.Yes
Please enter XXXXXXXXX Update FlagAn update flag for the field XXXXXX is required but not provided. Enter the update flag for the field XXXXXX. Reupload after correcting.Yes
PAN number already exists in the system with KYC number XXXXXX. Please download the record.The provided PAN is already linked to an existing KYC record with the KYC number XXXXXX. Download the existing KYC record for further actions. No reupload needed unless data needs updating.No
Details inserted successfully for the Reference Number XXXXXThe data has been successfully submitted and processed. No further action required.No
Please enter same ID number for E-KYC Authentication / Offline Verification / Proof of Possession of AadhaarThe ID number provided for different verification steps must match. Verify and ensure the same ID is used for all verification steps. Reupload after correcting.Yes
PAN number already exists with CKYC number CKYC_NUMBERThe provided PAN is already linked to another CKYC number CKYC_NUMBER. Use the existing CKYC number for future references or update requests.No
This CKYC number is deactivated. Kindly use CKYC number XXXXXXXXXXX to fetch the KYC record.The provided CKYC number is deactivated, and an alternative number XXXXXXX should be used to access the KYC record. Use the provided CKYC number to fetch the record. Reupload only if necessary.No
The photograph image size should be less than 100 KBThe uploaded photograph exceeds the allowable file size limit. Compress the photograph to below 100 KB and reupload.Yes
FIELD_NAME cannot start with a special characterThis indicates that the input FIELD_NAME cannot begin with special characters. Please ensure input starts with an alphanumeric character. Reupload after correcting.Yes
Please do not enter Images size more than 350 KBThe uploaded image exceeds the allowable file size limit. Compress the image to below 350 KB and reupload.Yes
Applicant photo image cannot contain multiple pagesThe uploaded image for the applicant’s photo must not span multiple pages or files. Reupload a single image file that does not contain multiple pages.Yes
Application Type should be 01 for new uploadThere was an error in segregating this record as a new record, and hence was pushed to the “Edit” pipeline. Please recheck all the details and reupload.Yes
Cersai failed the record due to some unexpected reason.The record failed to process due to a system error in CERSAI. Retry the process later. No immediate reupload necessary.Yes
PAN number cannot be updated to FORM60You cannot change a PAN number to FORM60. Provide the correct PAN number without switching to FORM60. Reupload after correcting.Yes
Line number should be in sequenceThe line number in the data should follow sequential order. Ensure all line numbers are in proper sequence. Reupload after correcting.Yes
Please do not provide applicant age less than 18 years for normal accounts / Minor accounts should be updated.The applicant’s age is under 18 for a normal account. It should be set to minor, or an OTP-based eKYC is required. Update the account type to minor or use an OTP-based eKYC method for applicants under 18.No
At least one Relation detail of type 'Guardian of minor' is mandatoryA relation detail of type "Guardian of minor" is required for applicants under 18 years of age. Provide the required relation details. Reupload after correcting.Yes
Date of Birth Should not be a future dateThe applicant's date of birth is in the future, which is invalid. Enter a valid date of birth that is not in the future. Reupload after correcting.Yes
Please enter valid Constitution type in detail 20An invalid Constitution type has been entered. Ensure a valid Constitution type is provided. Reupload after correcting.Yes
Your request could not be processed due to some technical issues. Please try after some time.The request failed due to technical errors in the system. Wait and retry the process after some time.Yes
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!