Transaction Status

This callback is triggered by Decentro to a custom end-point of the platform for each incoming and outgoing transaction initiated through Decentro, once it reaches its terminal status.


Important Note

Please use only Staging Credentials on each API Reference page to test the APIs directly from our Documentation.

API Endpoints

Staging / Sandbox

Via this callback, it is possible to get realtime updates to the initiated transactions' statuses.

Salient points:

  • Maximum 3 attempts to post the callback, post which the explicit Get status call has to be made for obtaining the transaction status.
  • It is mandatory to adhere to the response structure as specified in the examples.
  • It is recommended that you whitelist Decentro's originating IP.
  • It is recommended that you share your auth of preference with us, which will then be propagated as part of the callback request.
  • Callbacks will be triggered only in case of terminal statuses (failure or success) and not while the transaction is pending.
  • BeneficiaryName and bankReferenceNumber will be present only when Decentro's banking partners respond accordingly.
  • The keys in the request will be in snake/ camel case based on the company configuration (defaulting to camel case if nothing opted). Response, however, has to be in snake case always.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!