Get Transaction Status Advance

This API allows the platform to fetch the status of a each attempt made by the user on a particular Payment link/Dynamic QR transaction.

API Endpoints

Response Parameters

decentro_txn_idA unique transaction ID from Decentro for checking the transaction status, refund, etc.
api_statusStatus of the API hit. Note that this is not the status of the transaction.
messageAPI status message. Note that this is not about the status of the transaction.
data.transaction_descriptionDetails regarding the final transaction status.
transaction_statusThe final status of the payment transaction
transaction_status_descriptionThe description of the final status of the payment transaction
bank_reference_numberThe unique transaction reference number from the bank partner.
npci_txn_idA unique transaction id generated by NPCI for each transaction.
error_keyIndicates the entity responsible for failure. Applicable only in case of failed transaction.
transaction_authentication_timestampThe authentication time stamp when user authenticates via entering the MPIN.
data.transaction_attempt_descriptionDetails regarding all the payment attempts made by user on the transaction.
transaction_attempt_numberThe number of transaction attempt done by the user.
attempt_decentro_txn_idUnique decentro_txn_id for the specific attempt
transaction_statusThe final attempt status of the payment transaction.
transaction_status_descriptionThe description of the final attempt status of the payment transaction.
bank_reference_numberThe unique transaction reference number from the bank partner.
npci_txn_idA unique transaction id generated by NPCI for each transaction.
transaction_authentication_timestampThe authentication time stamp when user authenticates via entering the MPIN.
error_keyIndicates the entity responsible for failure. Applicable only in case of failed transaction. Please refer to the Error Keys section for details.

Response Keys

Response KeysMessage
success_transaction_status_successfulUPI Transaction Status processed successfully.
error_no_transaction_foundThis transaction was not found in our system. If there was any debit, it would have already been reversed. Please retry the corresponding initiate payment transaction.
success_transaction_status_pendingUPI Transaction Status processed successfully.
success_transaction_status_failureUPI Transaction Status processed successfully.
success_transaction_status_expiredUPI Transaction Status processed successfully.
error_provider_errorError while fetching transaction status from provider.
error_api_access_errorError while accessing the API.
error_authentication_requestError while authenticating the request.
error_unauthorized_requestUnauthorized request.
error_plan_not_configuredPlan not configured.
error_plan_not_foundPlan not found.
error_duplicate_transactionDuplicate transaction found.

Error Keys

Decentro intimates the platform about the error leg i,e where the error has occurred in the transaction using the 'error_key' in the callback payload. Please note that error keys are for the platform's use, and standalone is not recommended for end-user messaging.

Below are the values propagated by Decentro, as well as the associated interpretation.

Error KeyDescription
error_at_remitter_bankThe transaction failed due to an issue at the payer's bank, such as breached limits or a frozen account.
error_at_beneficiary_bankThe transaction failed due to an issue at the Decentro's bank partner's end.
error_at_payer_pspThe transaction failed due to an issue at payer PSP, i.e., the UPI app used by the payer to authorize the transaction.
error_at_payee_pspThe transaction failed due to payee PSP, i.e., Decentro's partner bank's end.
error_at_npciThe transaction failed due to an issue at the NPCI level
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!