Get Virtual Account Statement

This API can be used by platforms to fetch the statement of a virtual account.


The GET Statement API allows users to retrieve statement details along with transaction records for a specified virtual account within a defined date range.


Below is the flow to get statement API

  1. Create a virtual account and use it for any virtual account-based collections.
  2. Next, pass either virtual_account_number, custom_va_number, or customer_va_identifier in the Get Statement API request to fetch the statement of the virtual account.
  3. Use the statement to tally, reconcile, or record your account transactions.

Managing family of virtual accounts

Clients can easily manage fetching statements of their virtual accounts by selecting from either a single virtual account, a family of virtual accounts, or all virtual accounts associated with a consumer.

To effectively identify the relevant virtual accounts, clients can use one of the following identifiers::

virtual_account_numberThe API will respond with the statement of the specific virtual_account_number in question.
custom_va_numberThe API will respond with the statement of all virtual account numbers across various banks linked to the specified custom VA number.
customer_va_identifierThe API will respond with the statement of all virtual account numbers across different banks associated with the given customer VA identifier.
consumer_urnThe API will respond with the statement of all virtual accounts across banks created for the consumer.

API Endpoints

Response keys

Response KeyMessage
success_account_statement_fetchedAccount statement fetched successfully.
error_invalid_fromThe provided 'from' date is invalid. Please pass a valid value. Hint: from(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S).
error_empty_fromFrom' date cannot be empty. Please pass a valid timestamp value. Hint: from(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S).
error_invalid_toThe provided 'to' date is invalid. Please pass a valid value. Hint: from(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S).
error_empty_toTo' date cannot be empty. Please pass a valid timestamp value. Hint: to(%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S).
error_invalid_consumer_urnConsumer URN does not exist. Please retry with a valid consumer_urn. Hint: consumer_urn (string)
error_null_consumer_urnThe consumer URN cannot be null. Hint: consumer_urn (string)
error_empty_consumer_urnConsumer URN cannot be empty. Hint: consumer_urn (string)
error_invalid_virtual_account_numberThe provided virtual account number is invalid. Hint: virtual_account_number (string)
error_null_virtual_account_numberThe virtual account number cannot be null. Hint: virtual_account_number (string)
error_empty_virtual_account_numberThe virtual account number cannot be empty. Hint: virtual_account_number (string)
error_invalid_custom_va_numberThe provided custom VA number is invalid. Hint: custom_va_number (string)
error_null_custom_va_numberThe custom VA number cannot be null. Hint: custom_va_number (string)
error_empty_custom_va_numberThe custom VA number cannot be empty. Hint: custom_va_number (string)
error_invalid_customer_va_identifierThe provided customer VA identifier is invalid. Hint: customer_va_identifier (string)
error_null_customer_va_identifierThe customer VA identifier cannot be null. Hint: customer_va_identifier (string)
error_empty_customer_va_identifierThe customer VA identifier cannot be empty. Hint: customer_va_identifier (string)
error_invalid_pageThe provided page number is invalid. Hint page(int).
error_null_pageThe page number cannot be null. Hint page(int).
error_empty_pageThe page number cannot be empty. Hint page(int).
error_to_should_be_greater_than_fromThe 'to' datetime should be greater than the 'from' datetime.
error_to_equals_fromThe 'to' datetime is same as the 'from' datetime.
error_no_record_foundNo virtual account found with the given values. Please provide a valid value for either the virtual_account_number, custom_va_number, or customer_va_identifier, and try again.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!