Get Balance

This API lets the platform fetch the current balance of a virtual account.


This API lets the platform fetch the current balance of a virtual account created on Decentro's stack.


Below is the flow for using this API.

  • The platform creates a virtual account using the Create a Virtual Account v3 API.
  • The payer transfers funds to the virtual account from their bank account.
  • The platform gets a Account Balance Callback/Webhook from Decentro
  • The platform can also fetch the balance of a virtual account using this API

Managing family of virtual accounts

Clients can easily manage fetching balance of their virtual accounts by selecting from either a single virtual account, a family of virtual accounts, or all virtual accounts associated with a consumer.

To effectively identify the relevant virtual accounts, clients can use one of the following identifiers::

account_numberThe API will respond with the balance of the specific virtual_account_number in question.
custom_va_numberThe API will respond with the cumulative balance of all virtual account numbers across various banks linked to the specified custom VA number.
customer_va_identifierThe API will respond with the cumulative balance of all virtual account numbers across different banks associated with the given customer VA identifier.
consumer_urnThe API will respond with the cumulative balance of all virtual accounts across banks created for the consumer.

API Endpoints

Below are the API endpoints to be used by the platform basis the environments.

Response keys

Below is the response keys

Response keyDescription
error_account_disabledYour account has been disabled. Please reach out to support
error_malformed_requestMalformed request detected.
error_empty_requestRequest body is empty. Kindly check the payload and retry.
error_invalid_methodThe method is not allowed for the requested URL.
error_unsanitized_valuesUnsanitized values detected for key(s): <KEY NAME(s)>. Kindly sanitize the corresponding values by removing unicode, non-ascii, and special characters such as . @ # $ % ^ & * ! ; : ' " ~ ` ? = + ) ( and retry.
error_invalid_client_idAuthentication failed. Please use a valid Client ID.
error_empty_client_idClient ID cannot be empty. Hint: client_id (string)
error_invalid_format_client_idClient ID is not of type string. Hint: client_id (string)
error_invalid_client_secretAuthentication failed. Please use a valid Client Secret.
error_empty_client_secretClient Secret cannot be empty. Hint: client_secret (string)
error_invalid_format_client_secretClient Secret is not of type string. Hint: client_secret (string)
error_invalid_bearer_tokenAuthentication failed. Please use a valid bearer token.
error_empty_bearer_tokenBearer Token cannot be empty. Hint: bearer_token (string)
error_invalid_format_bearer_tokenBearer Token is not of type string. Hint: bearer_token (string)
error_invalid_consumer_urnConsumer URN passed is not valid.
error_empty_consumer_urnConsumer URN cannot be empty. Hint: consumer_urn (string)
error_invalid_format_consumer_urnConsumer URN is not of type string. Hint: consumer_urn (string)
error_format_account_numberAccount Number is not of type string. Hint: account_number (string)
error_length_account_numberaccount_number length must be between [minimum] and [maximum] characters.
error_format_fetch_compliance_balanceFetch Compliance Balance is not of type boolean. Hint: fetch_compliance_balance (boolean, true or false)
error_empty_consumer_urnfetch_compliance_balance is required if consumer_urn is provided.
error_missing_provider_codeprovider_code is required if the account is a Virtual Account (VA).
error_invalid_format_provider_codeProvider Code is not of type string. Hint: provider_code (string)
error_length_provider_codeprovider_code length must be 4 characters.
error_format_fetch_child_balanceFetch Child Balance is not of type boolean. Hint: fetch_child_balance (boolean, true or false)
error_empty_consumer_urnfetch_child_balance is required if consumer_urn is provided.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!