Manage VA Settlement

This API allows the platform to manage the settlement account to where the virtual account settlements are performed.


This API can be used by platforms to add or disable the settlement account against a virtual account with Decentro.

Note: Decentro might contact the platform even after a beneficiary is added in case it has any questions.


Below is the flow for using this API from a beneficiary addition perspective.

  • The platform shares the relevant details with Decentro and Decentro shares the consumer URN with the platform offline.
  • The platform can choose to share the settlement details offline with Decentro or share this online via this API's endpoints.
  • The platform can create a virtual account using the Create a Virtual Account v3 API to facilitate virtual account-based collections.
  • The platform can initiate a settlement account addition against the virtual account number.
  • If the beneficiary addition is successful, Decentro responds to the request with a settlement account URN under the 'settlement_account_urn' field.

Below is the flow for using this API to disable a beneficiary.

  • The platform passes the virtual account number against which a settlement account needs to be disabled.
  • If the settlement account is to be disabled for a specific virtual account number, only that virtual account number needs to be passed.


Below are the action modes that this API supports.

  • Activate: This feature allows the platform to add a new settlement account against the virtual account.
  • Deactivate: This feature allows the platform to disable an existing settlement account against the virtual account.

Note: If a settlement account is disabled, the settlement transactions to that account will not be initiated.

API Endpoints

Response keys

Response KeyMessage
success_settlement_account_addedSettlement account details added successfully
success_settlement_account_disabledSettlement account details disabled successfully
error_invalid_reference_idReference ID is not valid.
error_empty_reference_idReference ID cannot be empty. Hint: reference_id (string)
error_invalid_format_reference_idReference ID is not of type string. Hint: reference_id (string)
error_duplicate_reference_idDuplicate Reference ID. Please pass an unique value.
error_incorrect_length_reference_idReference ID needs to be between 5 and 50 characters
error_invalid_consumer_urnConsumer URN does not exist. Please retry with a valid consumer_urn
error_empty_consumer_urnConsumer URN cannot be empty. Hint: consumer_urn (string)
error_invalid_format_consumer_urnConsumer URN is not of type string. Hint: consumer_urn (string)
error_invalid_format_actionAction is not of type string. Hint: action(string)
error_invalid_actionAction value passed is invalid. Accepted values: ACTIVATE & DEACTIVATE
error_missing_actionAction cannot be empty. Hint: action(string)
error_unsanitized_valuesUnsanitized values detected for key(s): purpose_message. Kindly sanitize the corresponding values by removing special characters such as . @ # $ % ^ & * ! ; : ' " ~ ` ? = + ) ( and retry.
error_invalid_settlement _account_numberInvalid settlement account number. Please pass a valid settlement account number
error_missing_settlement_account_numberSettlement account number cannot be empty. Please pass a settlement account number.
error_invalid_settlement _account_ifscInvalid settlement account ifsc. Please pass a valid settlement account ifsc.
error_missing_settlement_account_ifscSettlement account ifsc cannot be empty. Please pass a settlement account ifsc.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!