CKYC Upload Status


Important Note

Please use only Staging Credentials on each API Reference page to test the APIs directly from our Documentation.

API Endpoints

Staging / Sandbox

Top-Level Parameters

attemptThe current attempt number for this operation. Value of 1 indicates this is the first attempt.
referenceIdA unique UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) that serves as a reference for this specific operation. Format follows standard UUID v4 pattern.
bulkDecentroTxnIdA unique transaction ID for the bulk operation in the Decentro system. This ID is used to track the entire bulk process across all individual records.
callbackTxnIdA unique transaction ID for this specific callback event. Used to identify and track this particular notification.
originalCallbackTxnIdThe transaction ID of the original callback, which is identical to callbackTxnId in this case. This field becomes relevant when callbacks are retried or modified.
timestampThe exact time when this callback was generated, in ISO 8601 format with microsecond precision. This represents when the system created this notification.
creationTimestampThe time when the original request was received and created in the system, in ISO 8601 format.
lastModificationTimestampThe time when the request was last modified or updated, in ISO 8601 format.
typeSpecifies the operation type, in this case BULK_CKYC_INDIVIDUALS_UPLOAD, indicating this is a bulk upload operation for CKYC (Central KYC) records for individual customers.
stageThe current processing stage of the bulk operation. Value CSV_GENERATION_FAILED indicates that the system failed to generate the required CSV file for CKYC submission.
statusOverall status of the operation. Value FAILED indicates the operation did not complete successfully.
descriptionA human-readable description explaining the current status. Provides more context on why CSV generation failed.

Data Object

The data object contains information about individual records within the bulk operation. Each key in this object represents a record index.

data.1Information about the first record in the bulk upload set. The key 1 represents the index of this record in the batch.
data.1.stageThe processing stage reached for record #1. Value DOCUMENT_VALIDATION_AND_COMPRESSION_FAILED indicates that the system could not validate or compress the documents provided.
data.1.statusStatus of processing for record #1. For example, the value FAILED indicates this record failed processing.
data.1.descriptionDetailed description of the failure reason for record #1. In this case, an unsupported file extension was provided for the Aadhaar document.
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