Important Note
Please use only Staging Credentials on each API Reference page to test the APIs directly from our Documentation.
API Endpoints
Environment | Host |
Staging / Sandbox | |
Production | |
Top-Level Parameters
Parameter | Description |
attempt | The current attempt number for this operation. Value of 1 indicates this is the first attempt. |
referenceId | A unique UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) that serves as a reference for this specific operation. Format follows standard UUID v4 pattern. |
bulkDecentroTxnId | A unique transaction ID for the bulk operation in the Decentro system. This ID is used to track the entire bulk process across all individual records. |
callbackTxnId | A unique transaction ID for this specific callback event. Used to identify and track this particular notification. |
originalCallbackTxnId | The transaction ID of the original callback, which is identical to callbackTxnId in this case. This field becomes relevant when callbacks are retried or modified. |
timestamp | The exact time when this callback was generated, in ISO 8601 format with microsecond precision. This represents when the system created this notification. |
creationTimestamp | The time when the original request was received and created in the system, in ISO 8601 format. |
lastModificationTimestamp | The time when the request was last modified or updated, in ISO 8601 format. |
type | Specifies the operation type, in this case BULK_CKYC_INDIVIDUALS_UPLOAD , indicating this is a bulk upload operation for CKYC (Central KYC) records for individual customers. |
stage | The current processing stage of the bulk operation. Value CSV_GENERATION_FAILED indicates that the system failed to generate the required CSV file for CKYC submission. |
status | Overall status of the operation. Value FAILED indicates the operation did not complete successfully. |
description | A human-readable description explaining the current status. Provides more context on why CSV generation failed. |
Data Object
The data
object contains information about individual records within the bulk operation. Each key in this object represents a record index.
Parameter | Description |
data.1 | Information about the first record in the bulk upload set. The key 1 represents the index of this record in the batch. |
data.1.stage | The processing stage reached for record #1. Value DOCUMENT_VALIDATION_AND_COMPRESSION_FAILED indicates that the system could not validate or compress the documents provided. |
data.1.status | Status of processing for record #1. For example, the value FAILED indicates this record failed processing. |
data.1.description | Detailed description of the failure reason for record #1. In this case, an unsupported file extension was provided for the Aadhaar document. |