Penny Pull - Get Transaction Status API

This API is used to check the status of a Penny pull Intent link using Decentro transaction ID.


Important Note

Please use only Staging Credentials on each API Reference page to test the APIs directly from our Documentation.


This API allows a platform to fetch the status of a transaction undertaken through the Penny Pull Create Intent API.


This API is an alternative to the Transaction Status Callback triggered by Decentro to the platform's endpoint. The platform should use this only if a callback hasn't been acknowledged or transaction confirmation hasn't been received.

  1. The platform consumes this API to get the latest status of an initiated transaction using the Decentro transaction ID received from Penny Pull - Intent API.
  2. In this API, Decentro relays the transaction status via the transactionStatus field and response keys. The default status will always be 'PENDING' before expiry unless the payer authorizes a payment. After expiry time, the status will change to 'EXPIRED' unless the payer authorizes a payment.

API Endpoints

Below are the API endpoints to be used by the platform basis the environments.

Simulation Data

Below is the test data that can be used by platforms to fetch the status of a transaction undertaken through the Penny Pull - Create Intent API.

The platform is expected to pass the parameters as-is to get the intended scenario.


Note - Simulation Data

To test Simulation Staging data for Penny Pull - Get Transaction Status API, please use the following API Endpoint:{decentroTxnId}/status

Steps to use this data:

  1. In the Get Transaction Status API endpoint, pass the decentroTxnId as a path parameter, which was obtained in the response from the Simulation Data of Penny Pull - Create Intent API.
  2. Trigger the Get Transaction Status API.
  3. The API response will indicate the success of the API request, the terminal status of the transaction, and provide essential details of the payer such as payerName, payerVpa, payerAccountNumber, and payerIfsc.

Response Parameters

Below are the parameters propagated by Decentro in the response.

decentroTxnIdA unique transaction ID from Decentro for checking the transaction status etc.
statusStatus of the API hit. Note that this is not the status of the transaction.
responseCodeA unique response code mapped with API request status.
messageStatus description of the Penny pull transaction status
referenceIdThe reference id that was passed by Decentro back to the platform in the response
transactionStatusThe status of the transaction can be one of the values - SUCCESS, FAILURE, PENDING, EXPIRED
transactionStatusDescriptionThe Status description of the Penny pull transaction status
payerNamePayer name passed by Decentro to the platform.
payerVpaUPI ID of the payer passed by Decentro to the platform
payerAccountNumberAccount number of the payer passed by Decentro to the platform.
payerIfscIFSC code of the payer passed by Decentro to the platform.
pennyCollectedOnPenny collection date & time in yyyy-mm-dd HH-mm-ss format
responseKeyResponse key documenting the status of the API hit and various errors as mentioned here

Response keys

Below are the response keys propagated by Decentro in the response parameter, which covers all the scenarios a platform can encounter.

Please note that the below keys don't always include transaction-related response keys since the transaction status is relayed only after the payer authorizes the payment.

Response keyScenario
success_transaction_status_successfulUPI Transaction Status is successful
error_no_transaction_foundThis transaction was not found in our system. If there was any penny drop, it would have already been reversed. Please retry the corresponding transaction.
success_transaction_status_pendingUPI Transaction Status is pending
success_transaction_status_failureUPI Transaction Status is failure.
success_transaction_status_expiredUPI Transaction Status is expired.
error_invalid_providerGiven transaction does not belong to the original provider.
error_provider_errorError occurred while fetching transaction status from provider.
error_api_access_errorError occurred while accessing the API.
error_authentication_requestError occurred while authenticating the request.
error_unauthorized_requestError occurred because request is unauthorized
error_plan_not_configuredError occurred because plan is not configured.
error_plan_not_foundError occurred because plan is not found.
error_duplicate_transactionDuplicate transaction found in the system.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!