Get Beneficiary Details


Important Note

Please use only Staging Credentials on each API Reference page to test the APIs directly from our Documentation.

API Endpoints

This API can be used by you to check all the beneficiaries created in Decentro's system.

Three parameters are present -

  • provider_code: (Mandatory) The provider code must be passed here. The values available are all,yesb,icic,dbss,idfb
  • sender_account_number : (Optional) The sender Virtual Account Number must be passed here.
  • beneficicary_code: (Optional) The beneficiary code must be passed here. Only 1 beneficiary_code can be passed.

API specifications

Response Payload

Response ParameterMandatory (M) / Optional (O) / Conditional Mandatory (CM)Description
status MThe status of the API. The following values will be populated.

Success = The API request was successful
Failure = The API request was a failure
decentro_txn_idMa URN generated by Decentro for the API request.
response_keysMResponse key documenting the status of the API hit and various errors
response_messageMAPI status message.
dataCMAn Object that contains the below parameters. The object will be populated when the API request is successful
sender_account_numberCMThe sender virtual account addis ed against the beneficiary.
beneficiary_codeCMThe code generated when a beneficiary is created
beneficiary_account_numberCMThe beneficiary account number added
beneficiary_ifscCMThe beneficiary ifsc added.
beneficiary_upi_handleCMThe beneficiary UPI ID was added.
emailCMThe beneficiary email addresses
mobileCMThe beneficiary mobile number
transfer_typeCMThe transfer type assigned to the beneficiary

4. UPI
5. ANY
providerCMThe provider against the sender virtual account
nameCMThe beneficiary mobile number
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!