Full KYC Status Callback

Decentro send callbacks to the platforms as the Full KYC journey of a user progresses.

Decentro sends callbacks to the platforms at three times in the Full KYC journey

  • Between Initiate Full KYC and Face Match: After the platform has received a success response for Initiate Full KYC API; Decentro does a series of backend operations and keeps updating the platform via the callback with the relevant response keys and stages. The backend operations include:

    • Downloading documents from CERSAI (CKYC)
    • Performing Screening and Risk Rating of the user
    • Conducting OCR on the documents downloaded from CERSAI (CKYC)
  • After Penny Pull: Once the link is generated in the response of Penny Pull API, Decentro will notify the platform when the transaction reaches its terminal state.

  • When the Full KYC request is approved or rejected: After the user completes Penny Pull successfully, the Full KYC journey comes to an end. Within 24 hours, the issuer will either approve or reject the request. Decentro will notify the platform with this information through the callback. The "status" parameter in the callback payload will change from pending to approved/rejected.

The response keys received in the callback can be found here

The stages received in the callback payload can be found here

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!