Add Details


Important Note

Please use only Staging Credentials on each API Reference page to test the APIs directly from our Documentation.


Please Note

The staging environment is restricted to a simulation only and is meant to be used for development purposes and understanding of the API flow.

If you would like to see a real flow of the API, please contact our support team using [email protected].

If you would like to use the real flow, kindly send in a request to initiate full production onboarding.

API Endpoints

Staging / Sandbox

Request Body Key

KeyMeaningData TypeOptional/MandatoryExamples
reference_idUnique identifier for the requestStringMandatory"ABC123XYZ456"
consentIndicates consent for the actionStringMandatory"Y"
purposePurpose of the requestStringMandatory"To add Udyam details for Registration"
panPAN (Permanent Account Number) of the registrantStringMandatory"ABCDE1234F"
dobDate of Birth of the registrantStringMandatory"1980-05-20"
emailEmail address of the registrantStringMandatory"[email protected]"
mobileThe mobile number of the registrantStringMandatory"9876543210"
social_categoryThe social category of the registrantStringMandatory"GENERAL"
genderGender of the registrantStringMandatory"MALE"
specially_abledIndicates if the registrant is specially abledBooleanOptional (default: false)true
enterprise_nameName of the enterpriseStringMandatory"XYZ Enterprises Pvt. Ltd."
unitsDetails of enterprise unitsArrayOptional (if not sent, the official address is used)See example below
official_addressThe official address of the enterpriseObjectMandatorySee example below
enterprise_statusStatus details of the enterpriseObjectMandatory (with optional keys)Object with date_of_incorporation and date_of_commencement keys.
bank_detailsBank details of the enterpriseObjectOptionalObject with account_number and ifsc_code.
activity_categoryCategory of enterprise activityStringMandatory"MANUFACTURING" or "SERVICES"
nic_codesList of NIC 5 Codes undertaken by the enterpriseArrayMandatory
number_of_employeesNumber of employees in different categoriesObjectOptional (default: {"others": 1}){"male": 10, "female": 5, "others": 2}

Table of Response Codes with Descriptions

Response KeyDescription
error_invalid_doiInvalid date_of_incorporation. Ensure the value follows the yyyy-mm-dd format.
error_empty_unit_premisesPremises cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid premises as a string.
error_empty_unit_stateState cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid state as a string.
error_empty_unit_nameUnit name cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid unit_name as a string.
error_empty_unit_roadRoad cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid road as a string.
error_empty_unit_cityCity cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid city as a string.
error_empty_unit_townTown cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid town as a string.
error_empty_unit_doorDoor cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid door as a string.
error_empty_unit_districtDistrict cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid district as a string.
error_empty_unit_pincodePincode cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid pincode as a string.
error_empty_unit_blockBlock cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid block as a string.
error_empty_premisesPremises cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid premises as a string.
error_empty_stateState cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid state as a string.
error_empty_roadRoad cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid road as a string.
error_empty_cityCity cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid city as a string.
error_empty_townTown cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid town as a string.
error_empty_doorDoor cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid door as a string.
error_empty_districtDistrict cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid district as a string.
error_empty_pincodePincode cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid pincode as a string.
error_empty_blockBlock cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid block as a string.
error_invalid_specially_abledSpecially Abled must be of type boolean.
error_invalid_accountInvalid Account number. Provide a valid account number.
error_invalid_ifscInvalid IFSC. Provide a valid IFSC code.
error_empty_emailEmail cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid email as a string.
error_invalid_male_countMale count must be of type string.
error_invalid_other_countOthers count must be of type string.
error_invalid_female_countFemale count must be of type string.
error_empty_enterprise_nameEnterprise Name cannot be null or empty. Provide a valid enterprise_name as a string.
error_invalid_activity_categoryActivity category is invalid. Permissible values are MANUFACTURING or SERVICES.
error_invalid_dobInvalid dob. Ensure the value follows the yyyy-mm-dd format.
error_invalid_genderGender is invalid. Permissible values are MALE, FEMALE, or OTHERS.
error_invalid_mobileMobile number is invalid. Provide a valid 10-digit number starting with 6, 7, 8, or 9.
error_invalid_nic_codesInvalid NIC code. Provide a valid 5-digit NIC code.
error_invalid_panInvalid PAN. PAN should have 10 characters: the first five are letters, the next four numerals, and the last character is a letter.
error_invalid_social_categorySocial category is invalid. Permissible values are GENERAL, SC, ST, or OBC.
error_invalid_org_typeType of organisation is invalid. Permissible values are: CO_OPERATIVE, HINDU_UNDIVIDED_FAMILY, LIMITED_LIABILITY_PARTNERSHIP, OTHERS, PARTNERSHIP, etc.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!