Loan Application


Important Note

Please use only Staging Credentials on each API Reference page to test the APIs directly from our Documentation.


Simulation Data To Be Used

Name: John Doe
Pan: AAAAA1234A
Any number: success KYC/agreement flow

Below Number to be Used for Specific Scenarios

9898989891 - Success facility confirmation
9898989810 - KYC failure
9898989811 - Liveliness failure
9898989812 - Agreement generation failed due to credit line not being approved

API Endpoints

The following table contains all the parameters you might get in the response body, along with a description indicating their meaning.

Response ParameterDescription
decentroTxnIdA unique ID given to this transaction by Decentro
statusThe status of the response
responseCodeA short response code (Please Note: Response codes are deprecated and will eventually be phased out from our response bodies. If you are using them currently, please migrate your logic to the responseKey parameter instead.)
dataThe object containing the response data
data.transactionStatusThe status of the transaction
data.transactionDescriptionThe description of the transaction
data.urnA unique ID given to this transaction by Decentro
data.sessionLinkA dynamic URL which redirected to the fully managed lending UI
data.stageThe current stage of the loan application
data.amountThe pre-approved amount for the user who has initiated the loan application
responseKeyA response key denoting the category of the response
messageA message sent to provide more context in case of an error
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!