Validate VPA

This API allows merchants to validate Individual as well as merchant VPAs and fetch their details.


Important Note

Please use only Staging Credentials on each API Reference page to test the APIs directly from our Documentation.

API Endpoints


Simulation Data

Decentro provides the test data which will simulate various scenarios of the API when a transaction takes place.

Note: This test data is only valid in the Staging environment. Please use valid client id, client secret and module secret. Use UPI_ID parameter in the request payload to check the various test cases of this API.

Simulation Data

Steps to use this data:

  1. Take the UPI ID from values shared below depending on the scenario to be tested.
  2. Trigger the validate VPA API with that UPI ID with the required type.
  3. API response will state the validation of the VPA (valid or invalid)
  4. The information about the UPI ID depends on the the type param passed in the request payload.
UPI_IDStatusTest case
charles.babbage@okhdfcVALIDWhen VPA is valid
alan.turing@oksbiINVALIDWhen VPA is invalid
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!