Mobile to Account number

This API allows the platform to fetch the primary account mapped to the end-customer’s mobile number.


Important Note

Please use only Staging Credentials on each API Reference page to test the APIs directly from our Documentation.


This API allows Decentro’s clients to retrieve the Bank Account Details and the UPI VPA (Virtual Payment Address) associated with a end-user's mobile number.


Below is the flow for using this API through Decentro:

  1. The platform creates the request body by passing the authentication header parameters along with the reference_id and mobile_number in the request body.
  2. Decentro validates the request payload and processes the request if there are no errors with the request payload.
    1. Please see the response key section for more information on the possible error responses.
  3. Decentro will respond with the success message, response code, and key if we were able to successfully fetch the account and VPA details
    1. The relevant response parameters will be passed within the data block
    2. Decentro will perform a penny drop (INR 0.01) as a part of the validation process.
  4. If Decentro is not able to find/fetch the required details:
    1. The API will respond with the relevant failure message, response code, and key
    2. We will not propagate any values in the data block

API Endpoint

Request parameters

Below are the request parameters Decentro expects from client.

Parameter NameData TypeMandatory (Y/N)Description
HeaderNANAHeader body section
client_idNAYclient_id assigned to the client by Decentro during on boarding.
client_secretNAYclient_secret assigned to the client by Decentro during on boarding.
module_secretNAYmodule_secret assigned to the client by Decentro during on boarding. Please use the secret shared for the Accounts Module.
BodyNANABody object containing payload details
reference_idStringYUnique id assigned to each transaction. Special characters are prohibited.
mobile_numberStringYMobile number of the end-customer. The input parameter that needs to be validated.

Response parameter

Below are the response parameters Decentro propagates to client.

decentroTxnIdA unique transaction ID from Decentro against the incoming intent request
statusStatus of the API request
responseCodeA unique response code mapped with API request status.
messageStatus description of the intent request
upiVpaUPI VPA associated with the mobile number.
nameAsPerBankName of the account holder as per the bank records.
accountNumberPrimary Account Number mapped to the mobile number
ifscCorresponding IFSC code mapped to the account number
bankReferenceNumberBank Reference Number for the penny drop performed during the account validation process.
responseKeyResponse key documenting the status of the API hit and various errors as mentioned here

Response keys

Below are the response keys propagated by Decentro in the responseKey parameter, which cover all the scenarios a platform can encounter.

Response KeyResponse Message
success_account_details_retrievedAccount details retrieved successfully
error_decentro_errorInternal Server Error. Kindly retry the transaction after sometime.
error_invalid_mobile_numberPlease provide a valid mobile number
error_validation_blockedThe request could not be completed due to a risk exception by NPCI. Kindly retry the transaction after sometime.
error_validation_blockedTransaction not permitted by the beneficiary bank.
error_validation_blockedThe request could not be completed due to a risk exception by the beneficiary bank. Kindly retry the transaction after sometime.
error_beneficiary_bank_offlineThe request could not be completed due to a error with the beneficiary bank. Kindly retry the transaction after sometime.
error_validation_blockedThe request could not be completed as it was rejected by the beneficiary bank.
error_invalid_vpa_mappedAn invalid VPA is mapped to this mobile number.
error_mobile_mapping_not_supportedThe PSP for this VPA does not support Mobile Number and UPI VPA linkage.
error_validation_failedAccount details could not be fetched due to an issue with the beneficiary bank. Kindly retry the transaction after sometime.
error_network_timeout_rejectionThe transaction request could not be completed due to high response time from NPCI. Kindly retry the transaction after sometime.
error_mapping_blockedThe request was blocked by NPCI. Please try again after some time.
error_mapping_inactiveThe details could not be retrieved as the record is marked as INACTIVE by NPCI.
error_vpa_mapping_changedThe UPI VPA is no longer mapped to this mobile number.
error_vpa_not_mapped_to_pspThe UPI VPA is not active with the registered PSP.
error_dormant_accountThe account associated with this mobile number is Inactive or Dormant.
error_provider_errorUnexpected response received from provider. Kindly retry the transaction after sometime.
failure_account_frozenThe account associated with this mobile number is blocked or frozen.
failure_no_account_mapped_to_vpaThere is no bank account associated with the VPA mapped to this mobile number.
failure_no_account_mappedThere is no UPI VPA associated with this mobile number.

Simulation Data

Below is the test data that can be used by platforms to test out standard scenarios for the Mobile to Account API.
The platform is expected to pass the parameters as-is to get the intended scenario.


Simulation Data

Decentro provides the test data which will simulate various scenarios of the API when a transaction takes place.

Note: This test data is only valid in the Staging environment. Please use valid client id, client secret and module secret. Use Mobile number parameter to check the various test cases of this API.

Important: Please refer to the Simulation Data guide Click here

Steps to use this data:

  1. In the request body, pass request values as shared below in the table, depending on the scenario to be tested.
  2. Trigger the API with the scenario chosen in Step 1.
  3. Based on the values provided in Step 1 for each request parameter, the API response will contain the relevant output.
Mobile NumberValidation StatusTest Scenario
8266657824SUCCESSAccount details retrieved successfully
8266617854SUCCESSThe account associated with this mobile number is frozen.
8266457854SUCCESSThe account associated with this mobile number is a NRE account and cannot be validated.
8266457814SUCCESSThe account associated with this mobile number is closed.
8263657854FAILUREThere is no account associated with this mobile number.
8266607854FAILUREThe account associated with this mobile number is inactive and cannot be validated.
8176157814FAILUREInternal Server Error. Kindly retry the transaction after sometime.
8306457714FAILUREUnexpected response received from provider.
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!