Validate OTP


Important Note

Please use only Staging Credentials on each API Reference page to test the APIs directly from our Documentation.

API Endpoints


Aadhaar PDF

Get a beautiful PDF generated based on the Aadhaar XML data for the customers by passing generate_pdf parameter as true in the request body.


Share Code and Aadhaar Zip File

If the customer wants to create and use their own share_code to extract Aadhaar Zip file then they can pass a 4 digit number in share_code parameter and the response body will give Base64 of the Zip file along with the 4 digit share_code entered by the customer which can be used to extract Aadhaar Zip.


Aadhaar XML Response Keys

Here are the Response Keys and the scenarios under which Decentro will propagate the same to the platform - Response Keys

This API will validate the OTP entered by the user to authenticate with UIDAI. Once successfully validated response will have the below details -

  • Reference number
  • Resident’s name
  • Gender
  • Photo
  • Date of Birth
  • Mobile number in hashed form
  • Email in hashed form
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!