Request Virtual Account Settlements

This API is used by the platform to request for a settlement from the available balance with Decentro.


This API allows the platform to request a settlement from Decentro from the available balance. The requested settlement is processed by Decentro after checking the balances available. The actual settlement to the merchant is processed depending on the transfer mode and the amount.

Note: This feature is now available only for collections undertaken through the Virtual accounts stack of Decentro. The same will be rolled out for UPI and other modes of collections as well.


Below is the flow for using this API.

  • The platform receives collections from its payers using the Virtual accounts created using the Create a Virtual Account v3 API
  • The platform receives the settlement account URN (settlement_account_urn) from Decentro when adding the settlement account via manage settlement account API
  • The platform can initiate settlements with the required amount using this request settlement API
  • Decentro validates the balance available in the virtual account for processing settlements and commissions and processes the request or rejects it if the balance is insufficient or the payload is invalid.
  • The platform receives confirmation of the settlement request from Decentro and triggers a settlement callback to the platform.

API Endpoints

Response key

Response KeyMessage
success_settlement_request_initiatedSettlement request initiated successfully
error_invalid_reference_idReference ID is not valid.
error_empty_reference_idReference ID cannot be empty. Hint: reference_id (string)
error_invalid_format_reference_idReference ID is not of type string. Hint: reference_id (string)
error_duplicate_reference_idDuplicate Reference ID. Please pass an unique value.
error_incorrect_length_reference_idReference ID needs to be between 5 and 50 characters
error_invalid_consumer_urnConsumer URN does not exist. Please retry with a valid consumer_urn
error_empty_consumer_urnConsumer URN cannot be empty. Hint: consumer_urn (string)
error_invalid_format_consumer_urnConsumer URN is not of type string. Hint: consumer_urn (string)
error_invalid_beneficiary_codeBeneficiary code does not exist. Please retry with a valid beneficiary code
error_missing_beneficiary_codeBeneficiary code cannot be empty. Hint: Beneficiary code (string)
error_invalid_format_beneficiary_codeBeneficiary code is not of type string. Hint: beneficiary_code (string)
error_invalid_amountPlease pass the amount value with up to two decimals places only. Hint: amount (float)
error_empty_amountAmount cannot be empty. Hint: amount (float)
error_invalid_format_amountAmount is not of type int or float. Hint: amount (INT, float)
error_insufficient_balanceAmount is more than available balance. Please retry with with amount less than or equal to .
error_empty_purpose_messagePurpose message cannot be empty. Hint: purpose_message (string)
error_invalid_format_purpose_messagePurpose message is not of type string. Hint: purpose_message (string)
error_incorrect_length_purpose_messagePurpose message needs to be between 5 and 50 characters
error_missing_va_suffix/error_missing_virtual_account_numberEither of virtual account number or va suffix value is required. Please pass valid value.
error_invalid_virtual_account_numbervirtual account number does not exist. Please pass a valid virtual account number
error_invalid_va_suffixva_suffix does not exist. Please pass a valid va_suffix
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!