KYC & Onboarding - Response Keys
This page gives an overview of all the response keys passed by Decentro under the KYC & Onboarding module.
KYC - Generic Response Keys
The below mentioned response keys pertain to all the APIs under the KYC & Onboarding module.
Response Key | Scenario |
error_decentro_error | Something wrong happened at Decentro level |
error_missing_configuration | Plan not configured for the company |
error_empty_module_secret | Empty module secret was passed |
error_no_subscription_found | Company not subscribed to this module |
error_unauthorized_module | Authentication failed for this module |
error_module_access_expired | Module subscription has expired |
error_module_credits_exhausted | Module credits exhausted for the company |
error_malformed_request | Malformed JSON request was passed |
error_duplicate_reference_id | Duplicate reference id was passed in the request |
error_ip_not_configured | IP not configured to access CKYC API |
error_insufficient_account_balance | Insufficient account balance to access CKYC API |
error_invalid_endpoint | Invalid API endpoint was passed |
error_empty_reference_id | Empty reference_id was passed |
error_invalid_consent_type | Invalid consent type was passed |
error_invalid_purpose | Invalid consent purpose was passed |
error_empty_purpose | Empty purpose was passed |
error_consent_false | False consent was passed |
error_short_purpose_length | Short purpose length was passed |
error_long_purpose_length | Long purpose length was passed |
error_provider_error | Provider responded with a failure |
error_unexpected_response | Unexpected response received from the provider |
error_invalid_reference_id | Invalid reference_id was passed |
Scan & Extract (OCR)
The below mentioned response keys will be passed as part of the OCR API.
Response Key | Scenario |
error_empty_request_body | An empty request body was passed |
error_invalid_file_size | The file size is greater than 6 MB |
error_empty_file_name | An empty or unsupported file name was passed |
error_invalid_file_format | The invalid file format was passed |
error_empty_document_url | Empty document or document url was passed |
error_empty_reference_id | Empty reference id was passed |
error_empty_document_id | Empty document id type was was passed |
error_invalid_document_id | Invalid document id type was passed |
error_empty_consent | Empty consent was passed |
error_invalid_consent | Invalid consent was passed |
error_invalid_kyc_validate | Invalid kyc validate value was passed |
error_invalid_document_url | Invalid document or document url was passed |
success_ocr | OCR was completed successfully |
success_ocr_initiated | OCR transaction was initiated successfully |
success_pan_ocr | OCR for PAN was successful |
success_voterid_ocr | OCR for Voter ID was successful |
success_dl_ocr | OCR for DL was successful |
success_aadhaar_ocr | OCR for Aadhaar was successful |
success_passport_ocr | OCR for Passport was successful |
OCR History
Response Key | Scenario |
error_unsanitized_values | Unsanitized values passed in the api request |
error_empty_from_date | Empty from_date was passed |
error_invalid_from_date | Invalid form_date format or a future date was passed |
error_empty_to_date | Empty to_date was passed |
error_invalid_to_date | Invalid to_date format or a future date was passed |
error_invalid_date_range | Invalid date range was passed |
error_invalid_kyc_status | Unsupported kyc_status value was passed |
error_invalid_ocr_status | Unsupported ocr_status value was passed |
success_ocr_history | OCR History fetched successfully |
CKYC Services
Response Key | Scenario |
error_invalid_perform_ocr | Invalid perform_ocr value was passed |
error_invalid_auth_factor | Invalid auth_factor value was passed |
error_invalid_auth_factor_type | Invalid auth_factor_type value was passed |
error_empty_auth_factor_type | Empty auth_factor_type was passed |
error_invalid_auth_factor_type_value | Invalid auth_factor_type value was passed |
error_empty_auth_factor | Empty auth_factor was passed |
error_invalid_ckyc_id | Invalid CKYC ID was passed |
error_invalid_dob | Invalid dob was passed |
error_invalid_pincode_yob | Invalid Pin Code and YOB value was passed |
error_invalid_mobile | Invalid mobile number was passed |
success_ckyc_download | CKYC Download was successful |
success_ckyc_search | CKYC Search was successful |
error_empty_document_type | Empty document_type was passed |
error_invalid_document_type | Invalid document_type was passed |
error_invalid_id_number | Invalid id_number was passed |
error_invalid_document_id | Unsupported or invalid document_type was passed |
error_invalid_pan | Invalid PAN was passed in id_number |
error_invalid_driving_license | Invalid DL was passed in id_number |
error_empty_id_number | Empty id_number was passed |
error_no_record_found | No CKYC record was found |
error_ckyc_not_authorized | Client not authorized to access CKYC API |
success_initiate_bulk_upload | Successful initiation of the Upload Batch Process |
success_bulk_upload_status_extracted | Successful retrieval of the status of a Upload Batch Process |
success_bulk_upload_entity_status_extracted | Successful retrieval of the status of a Upload Batch Process that includes legal entities |
Aadhaar XML
Response Key | Scenario |
error_invalid_session | The session you are trying to access is invalid |
success_session_created | Session created successfully |
error_empty_transaction_id | Empty Initiation_transaction_id was passed |
error_invalid_transaction_id | Invalid Initiation_transaction_id was passed |
success_otp_generated | OTP generated successfully |
error_invalid_captcha | Invalid captcha was passed |
error_invalid_aadhaar_number | Invalid Aadhaar number was passed |
error_empty_aadhaar_number | Empty Aadhaar number was passed |
error_empty_captcha | Empty captcha was passed |
error_invalid_aadhaar | Invalid Aadhaar was passed |
error_session_expired | Captcha session has expired |
error_otp_limit_exceeded | OTP attempt limit exceeded |
error_resend_otp | Please wait for 30 sec before resending OTP |
success_aadhaar_fetched | Aadhaar data fetched successfully |
error_invalid_share_code | Invalid share_code was passed |
error_invalid_share_code_length | Invalid share_code length value was passed |
error_invalid_otp | OTP entered is invalid |
error_empty_otp | Empty OTP was passed |
error_invalid_otp_request | Invalid OTP request |
success_captcha_generated | Captcha regenerated successfully |
Response Key | Scenario |
error_no_digilocker_account | The user is not on DigiLocker |
error_no_mobile_with_aadhaar | Aadhaar does not have verified mobile number |
error_uidai_error | No response received from UIDAI |
error_no_data_found | No data found |
error_no_aadhaar_linked | Aadhaar is not linked to DigiLocker |
error_digilocker_locked | DigiLocker account locked for 1 hour |
success_issued_files | Issue files fetched successfully |
error_invalid_transaction_id | Invalid initial transaction id was passed |
error_empty_transaction_id | Empty initial transaction id was passed |
success_file_download | File downloaded successfully from DigiLocker |
error_empty_file_urn | Empty file urn was passed |
error_invalid_file_urn_type | Invalid file urn type was passed |
error_invalid_file_urn | Invalid file urn was passed |
success_initiate_session | Session initiated successfully |
error_empty_redirect_url | Empty redirect url was passed |
error_invalid_redirect_url | Invalid redirect url was passed |
success_access_token | Access toke generated successfully |
error_empty_digilocker_code | Empty digilocker_code was passed |
error_invalid_digilocker_code | Invalid digilocker_code was passed |
error_invalid_auth_code | Invalid or expired auth_code was passed |
success_eaadhaar_download | eAadhaar downloaded successfully |
error_empty_generate_xml | Empty generate_xml was passed |
error_invalid_generate_xml | Invalid generate_xml was passed |
error_empty_generate_pdf | Empty generate_pdf was passed |
error_invalid_generate_pdf | Invalid generate_pdf was passed |
error_no_record_found | No record found in DigiLocker |
Response Key | Scenario |
error_no_record_found | No record found |
error_invalid_gstin | Invalid GSTIN number was passed |
error_empty_id_number | Empty id_number was passed |
error_invalid_pan | Invalid PAN was passed in id_number |
error_invalid_cin | Invalid CIN was passed in id_number |
error_invalid_din | Invalid DIN was passed in id_number |
error_invalid_rc_number | Invalid RC Number was passed in id_number |
error_bad_inputs | Bad inputs were passed |
error_empty_name | Empty name parameter was passed for document_type passport |
error_empty_last_name | Empty last name was passed for document_type passport |
error_empty_dob | Empty dob parameter was passed for document_type Passport |
error_empty_expiry_date | Empty expiry_date was passed for document_type Passport |
error_invalid_gender | Empty gender was passed for document_type Passport |
error_invalid_passport_type | Invalid passport type was passed |
error_malformed_request | Malformed request body was passed |
error_invalid_dob_name | Invalid Name and DOB were passed for document_type Passport |
error_invalid_full_name | Empty full_name was passed for document_type Passport |
error_invalid_dob | Invalid DOB was passed |
error_invalid_fssai_number | Invalid FSSAI number was passed in id_number for document_type FSSAI |
error_invalid_uam_number | Invalid UAM number was passed in id_number for document_type Udyam |
error_kyc_check_failed | KYC check failed |
error_invalid_document_type | Invalid value was passed in document_type |
error_empty_document_type | Empty value was passed in document_type |
error_invalid_id_number | Invalid/Unsupported id_number value was passed |
error_empty_id_number | Empty value was passed in id_number |
error_invalid_name | Invalid value was passed in name for document_type Passport |
error_invalid_voter_id | Invalid Voter ID number was passed in id_number for document_type VOTERID |
success_pan | PAN validated successfully |
success_driving_license | Driving License validated successfully |
success_rc | RC validated successfully |
success_gstin | GSTIN validated successfully |
success_voterid | Voter ID validated successfully |
success_udyog_aadhaar | Udyog Aadhaar validated successfully |
success_fssai | FSSAI validated successfully |
success_cin | CIN validated successfully |
success_din | DIN validated successfully |
success_fcrn | FCRN validated successfully |
success_fllpin | FLLPIN validated successfully |
success_llpin | LLPIN validated successfully |
Validate History
Response Key | Scenario |
success_kyc_history | Validate history successfully fetched |
error_empty_from_date | Empty value was passed in from_date |
error_invalid_from_date | Invalid value was passed in from_date |
error_empty_to_date | Empty value was passed in to_date |
error_invalid_to_date | Invalid value was passed in to_date |
error_invalid_date_range | Invalid date_range was passed. to_date cannot be earlier than from_date |
error_invalid_kyc_status | Invalid KYC Validate status |
Response Key | Scenario |
error_empty_file_name | Empty file name was passed |
error_invalid_file_format | Invalid/Unsupported file format was passed |
error_invalid_file_name | Invalid/Unsupported file name was passed |
error_invalid_file_size | Invalid/large file size was passed |
success_face_scan | FaceMath completed successfully |
error_invalid_request | Invalid FaceMatch request was passed |
error_invalid_threshold_type | Invalid/Unsupported value was passed in threshold |
error_invalid_threshold | Invalid value was passed in threshold |
error_empty_image | Empty image or image_url was passed |
error_invalid_image_url | Invalid/Unsupported image_url was passed |
Image Quality
Response Key | Scenario |
success_image_quality_check | Image Quality Check performed successfully |
error_invalid_request | Invalid Image Quality Check request was passed |
error_invalid_threshold_type | Invalid/Unsupported value was passed in threshold |
error_invalid_threshold | Invalid value was passed in threshold |
error_empty_image | Empty image or image_url was passed |
error_invalid_image_url | Invalid/Unsupported image_url was passed |
error_invalid_quality_parameter_type | Invalid/Unsupported value was passed in quality_parameter |
error_invalid_quality_parameter | Invalid value was passed in quality_parameter |
error_invalid_file_format | Invalid/Unsupported file format was passed |
PhotoCopy Check
Response Key | Scenario |
success_photocopy_check | PhotoCopy check performed successfully |
error_empty_image | Empty image or image_url was passed |
error_invalid_image_url | Invalid/Unsupported image_url was passed |
error_invalid_file_format | Invalid/Unsupported file format was passed |
Video Liveness
Response Key | Scenario |
success_liveness_check | Video Liveness check performed successfully |
error_empty_video | Empty video or video_url was passed |
error_invalid_video_url | Invalid/Unsupported video_url was passed |
error_invalid_file_format | Invalid/Unsupported file format was passed |
error_invalid_video_duration | Invalid/Unsupported video duration file was passed |
errro_invalid_video | Invalid video or video_url was passed |
error_face_not_detected | Face was not detected in the video or vide_url |
ID Classification
Response Key | Scenario |
error_empty_document_type | Empty value was passed in document_type |
error_invalid_document_type | Invalid/Unsupported value was passed in document_type |
error_invalid_file_name | Invalid/Unsupported value was passed in file name |
error_empty_document_url | Empty document or document_url was passed |
error_invalid_file_format | Invalid/Unsupported file format was passed |
error_invalid_document_url | Invalid/Unsupported documnet_url was passed |
error_empty_file_name | Empty file name was passed in document |
error_invalid_file_size | Invalid/large file size was passed |
success_id_classification | ID Classification was successful |
success_id_classification_mismatch | ID Classification performed successfully but document_type and file do not match |
Text Match
Response Key | Scenario |
error_empty_text1 | Empty value was passed in text1 |
error_empty_text2 | Empty value was passed in text2 |
error_invalid_text1 | Invalid/Unsupported value was passed in text1 |
error_invalid_text2 | Invalid/Unsupported value was passed in text2 |
error_long_text1 | Long value was passed in text1 (More than 50 chars) |
error_long_text2 | Long value was passed in text2 (More than 50 chars) |
error_empty_threshold | Empty value was passed in threshold |
error_invalid_threshold_type | Invalid/Unsupported value was passed in threshold |
error_invalid_threshold | Invalid value was passed in threshold (0 <= threshold <= 100) |
success_text_match_completed | Text Match completed successfully |
Aadhaar UID Masking
Response Key | Scenario |
error_invalid_image | Invalid/Unsupported/Low Quality image or image_url was passed |
error_empty_image | Empty image or image_url was passed |
error_invalid_document | Invalid/Unsupported pdf file was passed (PDF should contain only a single page) |
error_invalid_file_format | Invalid/Unsupported file format was passed |
error_invalid_image_url | Invalid/Unsupported image_url was passed |
error_invalid_file_size | Invalid/Unsupported file size was passed |
error_empty_file_name | Empty file name was passed in image |
error_invalid_file_name | Invalid file name was passed in the image |
success_aadhaar_masking | Aadhaar Masking completed successfully |
Hyperstreams - Generic Response Keys
The below mentioned response keys pertain to all the APIs under the Hyperstreams module.
Response Key | Scenario |
error_decentro_error | Something wrong happened at Decentro level |
error_missing_configuration | Plan not configured for the company |
error_empty_module_secret | Empty module secret was passed |
error_no_subscription_found | Company not subscribed to this module |
error_unauthorized_module | Authentication failed for this module |
error_module_access_expired | Module subscription has expired |
error_module_credits_exhausted | Module credits exhausted for the company |
error_malformed_request | Malformed JSON request was passed |
error_duplicate_reference_id | Duplicate reference id was passed in the request |
error_ip_not_configured | IP not configured to access API |
error_insufficient_account_balance | Insufficient account balance to access API |
error_invalid_endpoint | Invalid API endpoint was passed |
error_empty_reference_id | Empty reference_id was passed |
error_invalid_consent_type | Invalid consent type was passed |
error_invalid_purpose | Invalid consent purpose was passed |
error_empty_purpose | Empty purpose was passed |
error_consent_false | False consent was passed |
error_short_purpose_length | Short purpose length was passed |
error_long_purpose_length | Long purpose length was passed |
error_provider_error | Provider responded with a failure |
error_unexpected_response | Unexpected response received from the provider |
error_invalid_reference_id | Invalid reference_id was passed |
Updated 2 months ago