All Accounts

This feature helps customers to see all the Virtual Accounts created for them. Customers can do the following with this feature -

  • See all the Accounts
  • Create Virtual Accounts

All Accounts Data Table

Customers can see all the below-mentioned details in the data table -

Consumer IDA unique id associated with each customer
NameName of the customer
Account NumberVirtual Account number associated with the customer
Created OnThe date on which this account was created
Current BalanceCurrent available amount in the Virtual Account
EmailEmail id associated with the Virtual Account
IFSCIFSC code of the account
Mobile NumberMobile number associated with the Virtual Account

Create Virtual Account

Customers can create Virtual Accounts from the Dashboard. Here's how to create a Virtual Account -

  • Log in to the Dashboard.
  • Navigate to Accounts -> All Accounts -> Create Virtual Account.
  • Click on Create Virtual Account CTA.
  • Enter the details shown in the Popup.
  • Click on the Submit button.
  • A success message will be displayed.

Account Balances



Customers can click on Refresh Balances button to fetch the latest available balance in all the accounts associated with the customers

This feature helps customers to see the balances for all the accounts associated with the Customer and Decentro. Below details are visible to the customers -

  • Account Alias
  • Debit VA Balance
  • Master VA Balance