Document Classification
The Document Classification Service can be used to classify the type of Indian Identity Document by either uploading a valid image or by giving a valid URL of the image.
Use Cases
This API can be used for the following -
- To identify the type of ID of the Image
- To perform accurate OCR by knowing the correct document type
Valid & Supported Documents
This API can identify the following documents only -
- Passport
- Aadhaar
- Driving License
- Voter ID
Document Type Enumeration Standardized
In the request body, "document_type" parameter will only consider capital letters.
The special character's are not allowed -!@#$%^&*()~{}|<>,.:;"'?/+=
Accepted Enumeration Examples -
Not Accepted Enumeration Examples -
- pan
- Driving_License
API Requirements
Supported Formats: This API supports a limited set of image extensions or file formats -
Maximum File Size: This API supports an image with a max size of 6MB.
Updated 12 months ago