Customer Verification
Businesses can integrate with Decentro to verify the ID number of their customers or extract information from a public KYC ID. The major benefit of this offering is that customers do not have to upload or share any document images, yet the business can seamlessly onboard customers with very few hassles.
Regex Builder
Developers can refer to this page to build regex-checks that is based on the same checks Decentro performs before validating a document number from a government repository. This will help avoid uneccessary validation errors caused by invalid inputs from users.
Supported Documents
Our Document Verification API supports a good number of widely used customer documents like PAN, RC, Driving License, and Voter ID. Below is the list of all documents that can verified using Decentro's Document Verification API:
Supported Documents | Valid Code for document_type Key in the Request Body | Description |
PAN | PAN & PAN_DETAILED for verifying PAN numbers.PAN_COMPARE for verifying the PAN directly from the NSDL source. | A 10-character alphanumeric PAN number |
Registration Certificate | RC & RC_DETAILED | RC number of the motor vehicle |
Driving License | DRIVING_LICENSE | A 15 / 16 character driving license number |
Voter ID | VOTER_ID | The Voter ID number found in the Electors Photo Identity Card or Election Card |
Passport | PASSPORT | The file number of the passport. |
1. PAN
PAN Stands for Permanent Account Number and it is a ten-digit alphanumeric number issued by the Income Tax Department of India.
"reference_id": "XXXXXXXXXX",
"document_type": "PAN",
"id_number": "XXXXXXXXXX",
"consent": "Y",
"purpose": "Providing PAN for onboarding reason"
"kycStatus": "SUCCESS",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"message": "PAN details retrived successfully.",
"kycResult": {
"idNumber": "ABCDE1234F",
"idStatus": "VALID",
"name": "MANISH GUPTA"
"responseKey": "success_pan",
"responseCode": "S00000",
"requestTimestamp": "2023-08-30 16:30:33.345177 IST (GMT +0530)",
"responseTimestamp": "2023-08-30 16:30:33.453545 IST (GMT +0530)",
Document Type
Document TypeAdditional Configurations in the
Document TypeDecentro also provides additional information in the
response such as:
- Father Name
- Gender
- Mobile Number
Please reach out to our support team if you'd like to explore this configuration of the
document type.
"reference_id": "XXXXXXXXXX",
"document_type": "PAN_DETAILED",
"id_number": "XXXXXXXXXX",
"consent": "Y",
"purpose": "Providing PAN for onboarding reason"
"referenceId": "Fetching PAN-Detailed",
"kycStatus": "SUCCESS",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"message": "KYC Details for PAN retrieved successfully",
"kycResult": {
"idNumber": "XXXXXXXXXX",
"idStatus": "VALID",
"panStatus": "VALID",
"lastName": "DOE",
"firstName": "JOHN",
"fullName": "JOHN DOE",
"idHolderTitle": "Mr.",
"idLastUpdated": "20/04/2021",
"aadhaarSeedingStatus": "Successful"
"responseKey": "success_pan",
"responseCode": "S00000",
"requestTimestamp": "2020-07-24 21:25:20.778016 IST (GMT +0530)",
"responseTimestamp": "2020-07-24 21:25:21.991470 IST (GMT +0530)",
The values for aadhaarSeedingStatus
are as follows:
Not applicable
Document Type
Document Type{
"reference_id": "XXXXXXXXXX",
"document_type": "PAN_COMPARE",
"id_number": "XXXXXXXXXX",
"name": "XXXXXXXXXX",
"dob": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"consent": "Y",
"consent_purpose": "Providing PAN for onboarding reason"
"kycStatus": "SUCCESS",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"message": "KYC Details for PAN-Compare retrieved successfully",
"kycResult": {
"idNumber": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
"nameMatching": false,
"dobMatching": true
"responseKey": "success_pan",
"responseCode": "S00000",
"requestTimestamp": "2024-05-10 12:33:27.366843 IST (GMT +0530)",
"responseTimestamp": "2024-05-10 12:33:27.817512 IST (GMT +0530)",
"decentroTxnId": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
List of values for idStatus |
Existing and Valid |
Marked as Fake |
Marked as Deactivated |
Deleted |
Record (PAN) Not Found in ITD Database/Invalid PAN |
Existing and Valid but event marked as “Amalgamation” in ITD database |
Existing and Valid but event marked as "Acquisition” in ITD database |
Existing and Valid but event marked as “Death” in ITD database |
Existing and Valid but event marked as “Dissolution” in ITD database |
Existing and Valid but event marked as “Liquidated” in ITD database |
Existing and Valid but event marked as “Merger” in ITD database |
Existing and Valid but event marked as “Partition” in ITD database |
Existing and Valid but event marked as “Split” in ITD database |
Existing and Valid but event marked as “Under Liquidation” in ITD database |
List of values for seedingStatus |
Operative PAN |
Inoperative PAN |
Not applicable in case of Non-Individual PAN |
2. RC
RC stands for Registration Certificate and is commonly known as RC in India. It is an official document stating that your motor vehicle has been registered with the Indian Government.
RC is one of the widely used documents for KYC (Know Your Customer) purposes.
"reference_id": "RC Document Verification",
"document_type": "RC",
"id_number": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
"consent": "Y",
"consent_purpose": "To verify RC document"
"kycStatus": "SUCCESS",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"message": "Valid Authentication",
"kycResult": {
"blacklistStatus": "<blacklist_reason",
"chassisNumber": "MD2A14AZ2XXXXXXX",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"registrationDate": "19-Dec-2012",
"class": "M-Cycle/Scooter(2WN)",
"ownerName": "<owner Name>",
"registrationNumber": "<rc number>",
"reportId": "<report id>",
"engineNumber": "JBZXXXXXXX",
"fuelType": "PETROL",
"fitUpto": "18-Dec-2027",
"insuranceValidity": "22-Nov-2013",
"pollutionControlValidity": "NA",
"licenseAddress": "<license address>",
"taxUpto": "22-Nov-2024"
"responseKey": "success_rc",
"responseCode": "S00000",
"requestTimestamp": "2020-07-24 21:25:20.778016 IST (GMT +0530)",
"responseTimestamp": "2020-07-24 21:25:21.991470 IST (GMT +0530)",
RC Detailed
Decentro has the feature to provide detailed information for RC (Registration Certificate) by passing RC-Detailed in the document_type parameter in the request body
"reference_id": "RC-Detailed Document Verification",
"document_type": "RC_DETAILED",
"id_number": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
"consent": "Y",
"consent_purpose": "To verify RC document"
"kycStatus": "SUCCESS",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"message": "Valid Authentication",
"kycResult": {
"blacklistStatus": "<blacklist_reason",
"status": "ACTIVE",
"registrationDate": "10-May-2015",
"registrationAddress": "<<registration_address>>",
"registrationNumber": "<<registration_number>>",
"ownerName": "<<owner's name>>",
"ownerFatherName": "<<owner's father's name>>",
"ownerPermanentAddress": "<<owner's permanent address>>",
"ownerPresentAddress": "<<owner's present address>>",
"ownerSerialNumber": "1",
"chassisNumber": "DSBCNA51HXXXXXXX9",
"bodyType": "TRUCK (OPEN BODY)",
"class": "Goods Carrier(HGV)",
"category": "HGV",
"color": "APR",
"engineCubicCapacity": "30.00",
"numberCylinders": "5",
"unladenWeight": "1080",
"grossWeight": "1500",
"wheelbase": "<<vehicle's wheelbase size in mm>>",
"manufacturedMonthYear": "5/20XX",
"maker": "Hyundai",
"fuelType": "DIESEL",
"nocDetails": [
"noc details, if any"
"normsDescription": "Bharat Stage VI",
"financer": "<<XYZ BANK LTD>>",
"financier": "<<ABC COMPANY>>",
"fitUpto": "1-JAN-20XX",
"insuranceUpto": "25-July-2022",
"insuranceDetails": "<<insurance company name>>",
"insuranceValidity": "<<insurance validity date>>",
"npCertificateIssuedBy": "Secretary RTA, XXXX",
"npCertificateNumber": "NP/DL/XX/XXXXXX/XXXX",
"npCertificateValidity": "05-May-20XX",
"permitIssueDate": "02-Feb-2016",
"permitNumber": "XXX/NP/2016/XXXXX",
"permitType": "National Permit [HEAVY GOODS VEHICLE]",
"permitValidFrom": "02-Feb-2016",
"permitValidUpto": "13-Jun-2021",
"pollutionControlNumber": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"pollutionControlValidity": "19-Apr-2020",
"seatingCapacity": "3",
"sleepingCapacity": "0",
"standingCapacity": "0",
"statusAsOn": "<<Date of RC verification>>",
"taxUpto": "<<Date to which the tax has been paid>>"
"responseKey": "success_rc",
"responseCode": "S00000",
"requestTimestamp": "2020-07-24 21:25:20.778016 IST (GMT +0530)",
"responseTimestamp": "2020-07-24 21:25:21.991470 IST (GMT +0530)",
3. Driving License
It is a permit or permission to drive a specific category of vehicle on the road like two-wheeler, four-wheeler, etc. It is an official document issued by the Government of India to drive the vehicle you own specifying that the vehicle category has been mentioned on the Driving License.
Driving License - DOB Parameter
It is important to pass dob parameter in the request body to verify Driving License. Sample dob format - YYYY-MM-DD
"reference_id": "Driving License Document Verification",
"document_type": "DRIVING_LICENSE",
"id_number": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
"dob": "yyyy-mm-dd",
"consent": "Y",
"consent_purpose": "To verify Driving License document"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"kycStatus": "SUCCESS",
"message": "KYC Details for Driving License retrieved successfully.",
"kycResult": {
"addresses": [
"addressLine": "HNO-8 A2/B MIG FLATS",
"completeAddress": "HNO-8 A2/B MIG FLATS, PASCHIM VIHAR, DELHI",
"country": "India",
"district": "PASCHIM VIHAR,DELHI",
"pin": "110063",
"state": "Delhi",
"type": "Present"
"addressLine": "HNO-8 A2/B MIG FLATS",
"completeAddress": "HNO-8 A2/B MIG FLATS, PASCHIM VIHAR,DELHI",
"country": "India",
"district": "PASCHIM VIHAR,DELHI",
"pin": "110063",
"state": "Delhi",
"type": "Permanent"
"allClassOfVehicle": [
"cov": "ADPVEH",
"expiryDate": "",
"issueDate": "01-03-2011"
"bloodGroup": "U",
"dateOfBirth": "01-03-1976",
"drivingLicenseNumber": "DL-XXXXXXXXXXXXX",
"endorseDate": "",
"endorseNumber": "",
"fatheusband": "BODH SHAH",
"issueDate": "01-03-2011",
"name": "ANURAG SHAH",
"state": "Delhi",
"status": "Active",
"statusDetails": {
"from": "",
"remarks": "",
"to": ""
"responseKey": "success_driving_license",
"responseCode": "S00000",
"requestTimestamp": "2020-06-02 12:42:34.093924 IST (GMT +0530)",
"responseTimestamp": "2020-06-02 12:42:35.970804 IST (GMT +0530)",
4. Voter ID
Voter ID is also known as Election Card or Electors Photo Identity Card. It is an official document issued by the Election Commission of India to adults above age 18.
"reference_id": "VOTERID Document Verification",
"document_type": "VOTER_ID",
"id_number": "XXXXXXXXXXX",
"consent": "Y",
"consent_purpose": "To verify VOTER_ID document"
"status": "SUCCESS",
"kycStatus": "SUCCESS",
"message": "KYC Details for Voter ID retrieved successfully.",
"kycResult": {
"epicNo": "XXXXXXXXXX",
"name": "Loganathan -",
"nameInVernacular": null,
"gender": "M",
"emailId": "",
"mobileNumber": "9952141009",
"age": 66,
"dateOfBirth": "Thu Nov 19 00:00:00 UTC 1953",
"relativeName": "kanapalli -",
"relativeRelationType": "F",
"houseNumber": "35",
"partOrLocationInConstituency": "Chennai Girls Higher Secondary School No,5 School Road,Perambur,Chennai-600011.",
"partNumberOrLocationNumberInConstituency": "12",
"district": "CHENNAI",
"state": "Tamil Nadu",
"state_code": "S22",
"parliamentaryConstituency": "CHENNAI NORTH",
"assemblyConstituency": "Thiru-Vi-Ka-Nagar",
"pollingBoothCoordinates": "0.0,0.0",
"pollingBoothAddress": "Chennai Girls Higher Secondary School No,5 School Road,Perambur,Chennai-600011.",
"pollingBoothNumber": "12",
"sectionOfConstituencyPart": "2",
"cardSerialNumberInPollingList": "701",
"id": "S220150012020701",
"lastUpdateDate": null,
"status": "N"
"responseKey": "success_voterid",
"responseCode": "S00000",
"requestTimestamp": "2020-06-02 12:45:08.928726 IST (GMT +0530)",
"responseTimestamp": "2020-06-02 12:45:09.194639 IST (GMT +0530)",
5. Passport
The Indian passport is a passport issued by the Ministry of External Affairs of the Republic of India to Indian citizens for the purpose of international travel.
"reference_id": "XXXXXXXXXX",
"document_type": "PASSPORT",
"id_number": "XXXXXXXX",
"dob" : "YYYY-MM-DD",
"consent": "Y",
"purpose": "Providing Passport for onboarding reason"
"kycStatus": "SUCCESS",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"message": "Passport details retrived successfully.",
"kycResult": {
"dob": "DD-MM-YYYY",
"status": true,
"nameOnPassport": "XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXX",
"customerLastName": "XXXXXXX",
"passortNumber": "XXXXXXXXXX",
"passportAppliedDate": "DD-MM-YYYY"
"responseKey": "success_passport",
"responseCode": "S00000",
"requestTimestamp": "2023-08-30 16:30:33.345177 IST (GMT +0530)",
"responseTimestamp": "2023-08-30 16:30:33.453545 IST (GMT +0530)",
Updated 28 days ago