Bulk Payouts CSV

This page gives you an overivew of Decentro's bulk payouts capabilities.


Decentro provides a method to transfer funds to multiple accounts in one go by using Batch Payout API. By using this Batch Payout API, platforms can now transfer funds to multiple bank accounts all at once, with just a single API request. This streamlines the process and makes it more efficient for users.

To use this API, customers must pass a .csv file to the API with the following details inside the input file as per a standard template.


Bulk Payout Input File Template

Here is a CSV Template to pass as the input file to the API. Customers can download this template

Input File

ColumnsTypeMandatory (M)/ Conditional Mandatory (CM)/Optional (O)Description
reference_idTextOA unique reference ID created by the customer for every transaction. Column header not required if this parameter is not passed.
purpose_messageTextMMessage/Narration of the transaction being performed
from_accountTextMThe virtual account provided by Decentro
to_accountTextCMThe Beneficiary account number.. The column header must exist but the values can be blank.
to_upiTextCMThe Beneficiary UPI ID to be passed. If this field is provided, "beneficiary_details.ifsc_code" is not to be added. The column header must exist but the values can be blank.
transfer_typeTextMUPI, IMPS, NEFT and RTGS
transfer_amountTextMThe amount that needs to be transferred
beneficiary_details.payee_nameTextMThe account number which needs to be validated.
beneficiary_details.ifsc_codeTextCMThe IFSC code of the account which needs to be validated. Not required when "to_upi" is to be passed. The column header must exist but the values can be blank.
beneficiary_details.mobile_numberTextOThe beneficiary mobile number. The column header must exist but the values can be blank.
beneficiary_codeTextCMThe URN generated for adding a beneficiary using manage beneficiary. If this field is passed, then "beneficiary_details.payee_name","beneficiary_details.mobile_number" and "beneficiary_details.ifsc_code" are not to be added. The column header must exist but the values can be blank.



All of the above parameters are mandatory. The minimum number of entries is 10(Excluding the column headers) and the maximum number of entries is 100.

Please refer to Initiate Payout API request parameters on the validations being performed on each parameter

After submitting the input file to the API, the API will first examine the file's columns to ensure they are valid. Once the columns are confirmed to be correct, the API will then begin the bulk process for the inputs in the file.

After the input file has been successfully processed and the bulk processing is completed, Decentro will send the output file to the customer's registered email address. This output file will contain the results of the transaction status and details of the accounts listed in the input file.

The following details will appear in the output file

Output File

Reference ID The Unique reference ID passed by the customer for each transaction
Decentro Transaction IDUnique Reference ID generated by Decentro for each Transaction
Account NumberThe Beneficiary Account Number
IFSC CodeThe Beneficiary IFSC Code
Request StatusThis is the status of the validation request

Success: The request has been successfully accepted

Failure: There was a problem with the request. Please check the Error Reason column.
AmountThe amount of the transaction
Transaction StatusThis is the status of the transaction for the beneficiary account number

Success: The transaction was successfully processed.

Failure: The transaction failed

Pending: The transaction is in a pending state. Please check the status using Get Transaction Status API
MessageThe transaction message
Bank Reference NumberThe bank reference number of the transaction
Account Holder’s NameThe name of the beneficiary will be present here, the name will appear of the account is valid
New BalanceThe balance of the virtual account after the transfer of funds

Link to Batch Payout CSV API