FAQs - Split Settlements
This page covers all the FAQs pertaining to Decentro's ENACH platform.
General FAQs on Split Settlements
Q1. How does Decentro calculate the settlement amount for each split?
Decentro will calculate the split amount based on the net settlement amount of the collected funds and perform the calculation of the amount as per the split rule for each settlement account. After the calculations are performed and verified, the settlement will be performed by Decentro.
Q2. Can I create a split rule where all my settlement accounts have a fixed amount?
No, since the net settlement amount will depend on the funds collected, there will be chance that the total split amount will not match the net settlement amount.
Q3. What is a commission deduction flag?
This is a flag that allows the platform to specify, within the split rule for each settlement account, that all commission charges will be deducted from that settlement account once the flag is enabled.
Note: A maximum of 1 settlement account can have a commission deduction flag as true.
Updated 3 months ago