Payout Error Messages

This page gives you an overview of the error messages propagated as part of the payouts stack.

Here is a list of all the Error messages from Initiate Payout API that can be expected when a bad request is performed.

Initiate Payout API

API Error MessagesMeaning
Transfer amount cannot be less than zero. Enter the correct value.The correct amount is not entered. Please check the amount and retry
Duplicate Request Reference IDThe same value for reference ID cannot be passed.
Request reference ID cannot be null or empty. Hint: reference_id (string)The reference ID is mandatory and cannot be empty.
The provided reference_id has already been used for another transaction. Kindly choose a different value.Reference ID has already been used, please retry any other reference ID
Your amount exceeds the maximum amount that can be sent via IMPS. Please note that the amount should be <= INR 500000 per transaction.Your amount exceeded for IMPS transfer type. Please retry with a different transfer type
Your amount exceeds the maximum amount that can be sent via NEFT. Please note that the amount should be <= INR 1000000 per transaction.Your amount exceeded for NEFT transfer type. Please retry with a different transfer type
Your amount exceeds the maximum amount that can be sent via UPI. Please note that the amount should be <= INR 100000 per transaction.Your amount exceeded for UPI transfer type. Please retry with a different transfer type
Your amount did not meet the criteria for the minimum amount to be sent via RTGS. Please note that the amount should be > INR 200000 per transactionThe minimum amount for RTGS is Rs.2,00,000. Please enter a higher amount to initiate the transfer
Request body is empty/ malformed. Kindly check the payload and retry.Please check the request payload for any errors
Since beneficiary details are being passed, ifsc_code is mandatory.IFSC Code is mandatory, Please retry by passing ifsc code
Request body does not contain the beneficiary detailsThe beneficiary details or beneficiary code must be present.
Transfer amount is not a parseable positive float value. Enter a correct valuePlease enter a valid amount before initiating a transfer
Request body does not contain the transfer amount.transfer_amount is mandatory, Please retry by passing transfer_amount
Provided transfer_type is invalid. Allowed transfer types are NEFT, RTGS, IMPS and UPIEnter the correct transfer type
Transfer type cannot be null or empty. Hint: transfer_type (string).transfer_type is mandatory, Please retry by passing transfer_amount
Request body does not contain the target account number.Incorrect to account number
Transfer type UPI is not allowed for the given source account.UPI is not enabled for this account. If UPI is required, please contact [email protected]
To UPI Address has to be in the NPCI specified formatInvalid UPI ID format. Please follow the format mentioned in the documentation
Request body does not contain the source account number.Please check the source account number or the provider secret of the API
Request body does not contain the purpose message.Enter the purpose message
Source account number does not exist. Kindly retry with a valid value.Please check the provider secret or where the Virtual Account is valid
Request body does not contain the reference_id.Enter the reference ID
Transaction amount (plus applied taxes and commission) is more than the balance available in the source account.Please add more funds or reduce the amount
Unsanitized values detected for key(s): purpose_message. Kindly sanitize the corresponding values by removing special characters such as . @ # $ % ^ & * ! ; : ~ ` ? = + ) ( apostrophe, double quotes and retryPlease check for any special characters passed in the parameters
IFSC length should be 11Please enter the IFSC code as per the specifications mentioned in the documentation
The provided email address did not pass the validity check. Kindly enter a correct valuePlease enter the beneficiary mobile number as per the specifications mentioned in the documentation
Beneficiary mobile number has to be strictly 10 digits long and start with one of 9, 8, 7 or 6Please enter the beneficiary email address as per the specifications mentioned in the documentation
Transfer amount with precision upto only two decimal places is allowedPlease enter the amount as per the specifications mentioned in the documentation
Unexpected response received from underlying provider.There seems to be an issue with the provider, please try again later or contact [email protected]
Transfer amount has to be a stringPlease pass the amount as string. Ex: "10.00"
Authentication failed for accessing the modulePlease check the secrets passed in the headers
Module Secret cannot be empty. Hint: module_secret (string)Please pass the module secrets in the API headers
Client Secret cannot be empty. Hint: client_secret (string)Please pass the module secrets in the API headers
Internal Server ErrorThere seems to be an issue from decentro, please try again later or contact [email protected]
Overall balance for the company is lesser than the amount requested for transfer.Insufficient funds in your Virtual Account, please add more funds and try again
Length of payee_name should be between 5 and 255 characters excluding special characters and numbers.Please pass a value longer than 5 characters excluding special characters and numbers, only alphabets
Failed due to Velocity controls. Please try again in sometime.The velocity checks are implemented for security reasons to avoid transacting multiple times to the same account.
Unsanitized values detected for key(s): reference_id , from_account. Kindly sanitize the corresponding values by removing special characters such as . @ # $ % ^ & * ! ; : ~ ` ? = + ) ( apostrophe, double quotes and retryPlease check for any special characters passed in the reference_id parameters
Transaction amount is more than the transaction limit on the source accountThe transaction amount is more than the maximum amount set for the source account.

Get Transaction Status API

API Error MessageMeaning
One of reference_id or decentro_txn_id is mandatory to be passed in the request.Either "decentro_txn_id" must be passed or "reference_id" miust be passed. Both cannot be null or empty.
Duplicate Request Reference IDThe same value for reference ID cannot be passed.
This transaction was not found in our system. If there was any debit, it would have already been reversed. Please retry the corresponding initiate payment transaction1. If the transaction has been initiated and this is the response. Then the transaction is not recorded in the Decentro Systems yet. Please wait for sometime and retry.

2. If the transaction is not initiated, then the "reference_id" or "decentro_txn_id" is invalid.Note: Please do not consider this response as transaction failure as Decentro has not verified the transaction status from the provider for this action.
Internal Server Error. Kindly retry the transaction after sometime.There seems to be an issue from decentro, please try again later or contact [email protected]
Authentication failed for accessing the moduleThe credentials passed must be invalid, please validate the credentials and retry.
Unexpected response received from the provider. Please retry.Failure from the provider while fetching the status and transaction status is not confirmed. Please retry.
Unsanitized values detected for key(s): decentro_txn_id. Kindly sanitize the corresponding values by removing special characters such as . @ # $ % ^ & * ! ; : ' " ~ ` ? = + ) ( and retry.Please check for any special characters passed in the decentro_txn_id parameters
Unsanitized values detected for key(s): reference_id. Kindly sanitize the corresponding values by removing special characters such as . @ # $ % ^ & * ! ; : ' " ~ ` ? = + ) ( and retry.Please check for any special characters passed in the reference_id parameters
Module Secret cannot be empty. Hint: module_secret (string)Please pass the module secrets in the API headers
Provider Not Authorized For CompanyThe company is not enabled to utilise this API.
Unexpected response received from underlying provider.Failure from the provider while fetching the status and transaction status is not confirmed. Please retry.

Please Refer to the link here for Transactions Error Message sent by our banking provider.