Whitelist Remitter Accounts

Decentro provides the ability to whitelist remitter accounts for the virtual accounts while loading funds for the virtual accounts.


The Whitelisting Remitter Account lets you control which accounts can send funds to your virtual accounts. You can add specific remitter accounts to the whitelist, allowing only those accounts to transfer funds into your virtual accounts.

How to whitelist remitter accounts?

To whitelist remitter accounts, follow these steps using the Manage Remitter API

1. Enable Usage of Remitter Whitelisting

Depending on your use case, Decentro will determine whether the platform will need to comply with the Remitter Whitelisting service. If you want us to enable this service for you, please reach out to support@decentro.tech with your use case.

2. Add Remitter Account

If this service is enabled for you, please write to us at support@decentro.tech and provide the remitter account number and IFSC code that needs to be whitelisted. You can also specify if this remitter can only transfer funds to a specific Virtual Account. Once whitelisted, we will share a 'remitterCode' with you for future reference.

3. Disable Remitter Account

Please write to us at support@decentro.tech and provide the 'remitterCode' which needs to be disabled.

How to view all my whitelisted remitter accounts?

Decentro provides the ability to view all your whitelisted remitter accounts using the Get Whitelisted Remitter Account API. By using this API, you will get all the remitter accounts whitelisted against a virtual account.



  • Please check the Account Number and IFSC code for both the Remitter account and Beneficiary Account before performing a transaction. The values must be the same as the configured values.
  • If the funds are not loaded in the virtual account even after whitelisting. Please contact support@decentro.tech for further assistance.