
Decentro provides capabilities to fetch details about the virtual accounts created by the platform. Below are the capabilities supported by Decentro.

  • Fetch all the virtual accounts created for your customers/partners/businesses from your platform.
  • Extract the relevant account details like the linked UPI ID, QR code, permissible transaction types, etc.
  • Fetch the latest balance of a virtual account
  • Fetch the statement for a specific time period for a virtual account
  • Fetch the consolidated statement containing the statement of all the accounts for a combination of company and bank partner.

Get All Linked Accounts

This API allows you to fetch all the accounts that have been created or linked by your consumer/business via your platform.

Get the Account Details

This API allows you to fetch the account details of a specific account that have been created or linked by your consumer/business via your platform.

Get Balance

Used to retrieve the latest balance in the created virtual account.

Get Statement

  • Used to retrieve the detailed transaction statement for the requested account number, 10 records at a time, in reverse chronological order.
  • While making this API call, please enter the from and to fields for the specific time period for which you want to fetch this account statement.

Fetch Consolidated Statement

  • Used to retrieve the detailed transaction statement on a company level, containing details of all the accounts for a combination of company+provider.
  • While making this API call, please enter the from and to fields for the specific time period for which you want to fetch this consolidated account statement.
  • From and to dates cannot be separated by more than 180 days.