Virtual Accounts Flow

This page gives you the process flow of using our virtual accounts stack


Decentro's virtual stack works closely with its Payments and Cards stack.

  • All the collections that happen through Decentro go INTO a Virtual account which can be on the platform's own account or Decentro's own account.
  • All the payouts that happen through Decentro go FROM a Virtual account which can be on the platform's own account or Decentro's own account.

Process Flow

  • Create a virtual account for a customer/partner/vendor
  • Configure a Master virtual account for yourself. Please drop a mail to us at for us to configure this for you
  • Configure callbacks for balance. Please drop a mail to us at with the callback endpoints
  • Fetch the balance of the virtual account for reconciliation before doing a payout or after collecting funds
  • Fetch the statement to reconcile the transactions done against the virtual account
  • Manage your virtual account to update any of the details or do UPI sub-merchant onboarding for the virtual account
  • Trigger our Balance Settlement API to move funds from all your Virtual accounts into your master virtual account
  • Fetch the consolidated account statement which is a statement of ALL the virtual accounts triggered to the email lD registered with us

Below is a graphical representation of Decentro's Virtual Accounts flow.