Decentro FAQs
This section outlines some of the most important FAQs pertaining to Decentro. If you have any other queries, please reach out to us at [email protected].
1. How will working with Decentro benefit us?
Decentro will help you build the same products you could build by partnering with a bank. However, with a super-fast and seamless integration process that takes only 2 weeks, compared to the 6 months long wait you'll otherwise have. These are automated, plug-n-play APIs which do not break over time, come with simple documentation, and have built-in compliance checks. As a result, your business can launch much faster and with a lesser cost of development. Once LIVE, you need not worry about upgrading your product every time a bank updates its API; we’ll take care of all future updates and iterations from time to time.
2. How secure is consumer data when it flows through the Decentro?
Our platform is encrypted end-to-end to ensure that we do not have an unauthenticated view of the end consumer’s sensitive data. We only access data that is essential to increase the value for our customers (like transaction flows, for instance) and do not store any sensitive data in our systems.
3. What is the validity of the data retrieved from the APIs?
All the data retrieved via Decentro’s APIs are valid for a lifetime until and unless the details are updated by the owner in the government database, or in the corresponding financial institution.
4. Is the data provided via APIs valid?
Yes, the information extracted for the supported IDs is sourced directly from the Government database. This ensures that the data which we provide is foolproof and valid at all times.
5. Does Decentro provide any GUI/Dashboard to access the offerings?
Yes, we provide a full-fledged dashboard for your operations/admin/finance teams to monitor the transactions and retrieve reports as suitable.
6. What happens to the relationships, bank accounts, and the underlying wallets/cards if Decentro ceases to exist?
Just like earlier, all of your existing relationship management will be retained by you as a partner, as we don’t own the end consumer/vendor relationship. The deposits, bank accounts, and wallets/cards will be transferred directly to the underlying bank provider from a business continuity perspective. You can continue to run your existing programs and modules without any challenges on top of the same banks & providers as earlier. Or you can choose to migrate your relationship to any other underlying bank partner that we have.
7. How many Transactions can Decentro process?
Decentro Transaction Rates per second/minute/hour has been increased. Now Decentro can process -
- 10 Transactions Per Second
- 300 Transactions Per Minute
- 6000 Transactions Per Hour
Updated over 1 year ago