CKYC Download

CKYC Download API can be used by the platform to check if they are present on the CKYC repository. The platform can access the download ONLY if the customer is present with the repository.

CKYC Download shares a detailed list of documents uploaded by a regulated entity as well as customer information as detailed in the response.

This API accepts the below parameters.

  • Enter your CKYC number from CKYC Search
  • Type of authentication of the person whose CKYC details are to be downloaded. Can be 1 / 2 / 3.
  • Auth factor - Depends on the auth_factor_type, refer to the table below for details.

Decentro returns a response from this API only if CERSAI returns a response basis the auth factor parameters passed by the platform.


CKYC Download with OCR

OCR can be performed directly on CKYC Documents by selecting the perform_ocr parameter and passing it as true.


Heads Up!

identityDetails is received directly from CKYC. If we don't get this block for a few customers, it means we have not received that block from CKYC.

Auth Factor

1 Date of birth in the format: "yyyy-mm-dd".
Example: "1993-03-29".
2A combination of the 6-digit pin code and the year of birth.
Example: "5600171992" where 560017 is the pin code and 1992 is the year of birth.
3A valid 10-digit mobile number of the person whose AADHAAR is linked with.
Example: "9001122339".

Sample API

    "reference_id": "ABCDEF12345",
    "id_number": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "auth_factor_type": 1,
    "auth_factor": "1993-03-29",
    "consent": true,
    "consent_purpose": "For bank account purpose",
    "perform_ocr": false
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "responseCode": "S00000",
  "data": {
    "kycStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "kycResult": {
      "personalIdentifiableData": {
        "personalDetails": {
          "constituitonType": "Individual",
          "accountType": "Normal",
          "ckycNo": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
          "prefix": "MR",
          "firstName": "CARL",
          "lastName": "SMITH",
          "fullName": "MR CARL SMITH",
          "fatherOrSpouse": "FATHER",
          "fatherPrefix": "MR",
          "fatherFname": "JON",
          "fatherLname": "SMITH",
          "fatherFullname": "MR JON SMITH",
          "motherPrefix": "MRS",
          "motherFname": "MARY",
          "motherLname": "SMITH",
          "motherFullname": "MRS MARY SMITH",
          "gender": "MALE",
          "dob": "DD-MM-YYYY",
          "pan": "XXXXXXXXXX",
          "permLine1": "S/O JON SMITH",
          "permCity": "BENGALURU URBAN",
          "permDist": "BENGALURU URBAN",
          "permState": "KA",
          "permCountry": "IN",
          "permPin": "560038",
          "permPoa": "Proof of Possession of Aadhaar",
          "permCorresSameflag": "Y",
          "corresLine1": "S/O JON SMITH",
          "corresLine2": "MAPLE APARTMENT FLAT 407 INDIRANAGAR 1ST STAGE",
          "corresCity": "BENGALURU URBAN",
          "corresDist": "BENGALURU URBAN",
          "corresState": "KA",
          "corresCountry": "IN",
          "corresPin": "560038",
          "mobNum": "XXXXXXXXXX",
          "email": "CARLSMITH@MAIL.COM",
          "decDate": "DD-MM-YYYY",
          "decPlace": "BANGALORE",
          "kycDate": "********",
          "docSub": "Certified Copies",
          "kycName": "********",
          "kycDesignation": "********",
          "kycBranch": "********",
          "kycEmpcode": "********",
          "numIdentity": "1",
          "numRelated": "0",
          "numImages": "4"
        "identityDetails": {
          "identity": {
            "sequenceNo": "1",
            "identityType": "PAN",
            "identityNumber": "XXXXXXXXXX",
            "idVerificationStatus": "NO"
        "imageDetails": {
          "image": [
              "sequenceNo": "1",
              "imageType": "JPG",
              "imageCode": "Photograph",
              "globalFlag": "GLOBAL",
              "branchCode": "BLR",
              "imageData": "<base_64_string>"
              "sequenceNo": "2",
              "imageType": "PDF",
              "imageCode": "PAN",
              "globalFlag": "GLOBAL",
              "branchCode": "BLR",
              "imageData": "<base_64_string>"
              "sequenceNo": "3",
              "imageType": "JPG",
              "imageCode": "Proof of Possession of Aadhaar",
              "globalFlag": "GLOBAL",
              "branchCode": "BLR",
              "imageData": "<base_64_string>"
              "sequenceNo": "4",
              "imageType": "JPG",
              "imageCode": "Passport",
              "globalFlag": "GLOBAL",
              "branchCode": "BLR",
              "imageData": "<base_64_string>"
              "sequenceNo": "5",
              "imageType": "PDF",
              "imageCode": "Driving License",
              "globalFlag": "GLOBAL",
              "branchCode": "BLR",
              "imageData": "<base_64_string>"
              "sequenceNo": "6",
              "imageType": "JPG",
              "imageCode": "Voters Identity Card",
              "globalFlag": "GLOBAL",
              "branchCode": "BLR",
              "imageData": "<base_64_string>"
              "sequenceNo": "7",
              "imageType": "JPG",
              "imageCode": "Signature",
              "globalFlag": "GLOBAL",
              "branchCode": "BLR",
              "imageData": "<base_64_string>"
    "message": "KYC Details for CKYC retrieved successfully."
  "responseKey": "success_ckyc_download"
    "reference_id": "ABCDEF12345",
    "id_number": "XXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "auth_factor_type": 1,
    "auth_factor": "1993-03-29",
    "consent": true,
    "consent_purpose": "For bank account purpose",
    "perform_ocr": true
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "responseCode": "S00000",
    "data": {
        "kycStatus": "SUCCESS",
        "kycResult": {
            "pan": {
                "ocrStatus": "SUCCESS",
                "ocrName": "JOHN DOE",
                "ckycName": "MR JOHN DOE",
                "matchStatus": true,
                "imageData": "xxx"
            "aadhaar": {
                "ocrStatus": "SUCCESS",
                "ocrName": "John Doe",
                "ckycName": "MR JOHN DOE",
                "matchStatus": true,
                "imageData": "xxx"
            "driving_license": {
                "ocrStatus": "SUCCESS",
                "ocrName": "John Doe",
                "ckycName": "MR JOHN DOE",
                "matchStatus": true,
                "imageData": "xxx"
  "responseKey": "success_ckyc_download"