Manage 2FA

Enhance the security of your Dashboard with OTP based 2FA



Manage 2FA is only available on the Production Dashboard. This feature is not available on the Staging/Sandbox Dashboard


With this feature, our customers can enhance their security on the login for the Dashboard. Customers can choose to implement an OTP-based 2FA login while accessing the Dashboard by enabling or disabling it by going to the Manage Account -> Manage 2FA

An OTP will be sent to the registered mobile number of the customers.

How to Access 2FA?

  • Log in to the Dashboard at
  • Navigate to Manage Account -> Manage 2FA
  • A card will be visible with the current status of 2FA
  • Click on the 2FA toggle to Enable/Disable 2FA
  • A snack bar confirmation can be seen after a successful change
  • The chosen method will apply to the next login

Important Pointers

  • The OTP for 2FA login will be sent to the registered mobile number of the customers
  • A maximum of 3 attempts are allowed to resend the OTP and login with 2FA
  • Customers need to wait for 30 sec to resend the OTP