eNACH - Simulation Data

This page gives the overview of ENACH simulation data for testing purpose.


The ENACH(Electronic National Automated Clearing House) product allows for electronic mandate registration and processing of recurring payments. This document outlines the simulation data used for testing various scenarios in the ENACH system.


Please use staging credentials to test our ENACH simulation.

Refer to this ENACH API Reference Page.

Live Simulation APIs

Sl. No.API NameDescription
1Check Supported Banks & Authentication ModesProvides a list of supported banks and the authentication modes they support.
2Mandate Registration APIHandles the registration of new mandates in the system.
3Mandate Registration StatusUser can check the registration status using the Mandate Registration Status API.
4Mandate Execution APIExecutes the registered mandates for processing payments.
5Mandate Execution StatusUser can check the execution status using the Mandate Execution Status API.
6Mandate Registration CallbackA callback service that provides updates on the status of mandate registrations. (Your custom endpoint)
7Mandate Execution CallbackA callback service that provides updates on the status of mandate executions. (Your custom endpoint)

Simulation Data - Testing Scenarios

Mandate Registration API

This API lets you test the mandate registration API. You can use the amount given below to test the different scenarios.


OTP Validation

  1. Enter any 6-digit random number to validate the OTP.
  2. "111-111" use this 6-digit number to verify the wrong OTP scenario.


Debit Card Validation

  1. Enter a random 12-digit debit card number.
  2. Enter a random 3-digit CVV.
  3. Enter a random debit card expiry date.

Authentication Mode - Debit Card

AmountScenarioMessageError Code
100Wrong account details.Account doesn't exist or invalid account details.AP05
200Registration Successful.Success/ Active-
500Registration Successful.Success/ Active-
300Wrong debit card details.Customer entered the wrong debit card details.AP35
400The Bank account belongs to a minor.Mandates were not registered. The Bank account is of minor.AP16
Random amountOther than the specified amount.Transaction rejected or cancelled by the customerAP23
Cancel buttonUser clicked on the cancel button.Transaction rejected or cancelled by the customer.AP23

Authentication Mode - Net Banking

ScenarioMessageError Code
User clicked on the cancel button.Customer cancelled or rejected the mandate registration.AP23
User acceptedActive/ Success-

Mandate Execution API

This API lets you test the mandate execution API. You can use the amount given below to test the different scenarios.


Ensure to use UMRN generated from Mandate Registration API.

200FailureThe mandate execution failed. This could be due to multiple reasons.
500SuccessThe mandate was executed successfully, and the amount was debited.


Execution callbacks will be sent within 20 mins of the execution API call.


This documentation provides the necessary guidelines for using simulation data to test ENACH transactions. Ensure to follow the specified conditions and amounts to accurately simulate and validate different transaction scenarios.