Pool Bank Account

This set of APIs pertains to the common pool bank account operations for all the wallets/cards created.

Decentro works with issuer partners to maintain a dedicated pool account for each of its platform merchants.

Load Pool

This API is used to load the specified amount into the pool account.



Please note that this API is only to pass a ledger entry and this will not trigger any funds transfer to the pool account.

curl --location --request POST 'https://in.staging.decentro.tech/v2/prepaid/pool/load' \
--header 'client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID' \
--header 'client_secret: YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET' \
--header 'module_secret: YOUR_PREPAID_MODULE_SECRET' \
--header 'provider_secret: YOUR_CHOSEN_PROVIDER_SECRET' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
    "reference_id": "abcd-adcd-0001-0029",
    "purpose": "Adding money to pool balance",
    "consent": true,
    "amount": 1
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "responseCode": "S00000",
  "message": "Transaction successful",
  "data": {
    "transactionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "transactionDescription": "Load pool transaction completed successfully",
    "bankReferenceNumber": "202XXXXXXXXXXX"

Fetch Pool Balance

This API is used to retrieve the latest balance present in the pool account.

curl --location --request GET 'https://in.staging.decentro.tech/v2/prepaid/pool/balance' \
--header 'client_id: YOUR_CLIENT_ID' \
--header 'client_secret: YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET' \
--header 'module_secret: YOUR_PREPAID_MODULE_SECRET' \
--header 'provider_secret: YOUR_CHOSEN_PROVIDER_SECRET'
  "status": "SUCCESS",
  "responseCode": "S00000",
  "message": "Transaction successful",
  "data": {
    "transactionStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "transactionDescription": "Pool balance fetched successfully",
    "loadBalance": 21.94,
    "spendBalance": 0