Mobile to X Suite


The Mobile to X API suite is designed to make alternative data aggregation seamless by using a person’s mobile number to retrieve various important datasets.

This API enables seamless access to alternative data sources, providing vital information such as name, Udyam number, UPI VPA, and UAN linked to a mobile number.

By facilitating these data points, the Mobile to X APIs empower financial institutions to enhance customer onboarding, verification, and overall decision-making and underwriting processes for various financial instruments such as loans and insurance.

Key Features:

  • Retrieve details like name, Udyam number, UPI VPA, and UAN.
  • Built for use cases in finance, banking, and alternative data aggregation.
  • Fast, reliable, and secure API integration for real-time data retrieval.

Insights into Use Cases

1. Financial Inclusion and Credit Scoring

Lenders can use Mobile to X to quickly verify business registration details (Udyam number) or UPI VPAs to assess financial credibility. This aids in credit risk analysis and onboarding of thin-file customers.

2. Customer Onboarding and Verification

Financial institutions can prefill names, Udyam numbers, or UAN details using the APIs, making customer onboarding seamless and reducing form abandonment rates.

3. KYC Simplification

Using mobile numbers to fetch verified data like UAN or Udyam streamlines KYC processes, reducing the time and cost associated with traditional document-based KYC.

4. Fraud Prevention

Banks and fintechs can use these APIs to verify whether a mobile number matches its corresponding data points, helping prevent fraud in applications or transactions.

This guide should give users a solid foundation to begin working with the Mobile to X APIs and explore their full potential in finance and banking use cases.


Automatic Salutation Removal

Mobile to Name, Mobile VPA (Basic) and Mobile to VPA (Advanced) APIs now do a salutation removal check, including Indian honorifics, so that all downstream APIs such as PAN Validation and Credit Report fetch have better success rates.

Mobile to Name API

Endpoint: /v2/financial_services/mobile_to_name

Sample Request Body

    "reference_id": "XXXXXXXX",
    "consent": true,
    "purpose": "To verify user VPA/ Name",
    "mobile": "XXXXXX"

Request Mapping Table

reference_idStringUnique identifier for the transaction"XX-wqdw-47d7-abe0-XXwege"
consentBooleanUser's consent for VPA verification"true/false"
purposeStringPurpose of verificationTo verify user VPA/ Name
mobileIntegerUser's mobile number(10 digits)"9999999999"

Sample Response Body

    "decentroTxnId": "XXXXX",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "responseCode": "S00000",
    "message": "VPA fetched successfully",
    "data": {
        "name": "XXX"
    "responseKey": "success_vpa_found"

Response Mapping Table

decentroTxnIdDecentro Transaction ID"D871D26379284A5FD4E550A2D8FE"
statusOverall status of the verification"SUCCESS"
responseCodeResponse code indicating the result"S00000"
messageBrief description of the status"VPA fetched successfully"
dataDetailed information about the verificationFor the Mobile to Name API, this object will only contain the name key.
responseKeyUnique identifier for the response type"success_vpa_found"

Mobile to VPA (Basic) API

Endpoint: /v2/financial_services/mobile_to_vpa/basic

Sample Request Body

    "reference_id": "XXXXXXXX",
    "consent": true,
    "purpose": "To verify user VPA/ Name",
    "mobile": "XXXXXX"


Optional multiple parameter

If you want to collect multiple data points for a given parameter, you can pass the optional field multiple which accepts a boolean value. When set to true, the results array is multi-member array if more VPA are found.

When multiple is set to false, the results array will always be a single-member array.

Request Mapping Table

reference_idStringUnique identifier for the transaction"XX-wqdw-47d7-abe0-XXwege"
consentBooleanUser's consent for VPA verification"true/false"
purposeStringPurpose of verificationTo verify user VPA/ Name
mobileIntegerUser's mobile number(10 digits)"9999999999"

Sample Response Body

    "decentroTxnId": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "responseCode": "S00000",
    "message": "VPA(s) fetched successfully",
    "data": {
      "results": [
          "name": "Charles Babbage",
          "vpa": "1111111111@axl",
          "tpap": [
               "Google Pay"

Response Mapping Table

decentroTxnIdDecentro Transaction ID"D871D26379284A5FD4E550A2D8FE"
statusOverall status of the verification"SUCCESS"
responseCodeResponse code indicating the result"S00000"
messageBrief description of the status"VPA fetched successfully"
dataDetailed information about the verificationContains a single member results which is an array of objects.
responseKeyUnique identifier for the response type"success_vpa_found"

Mobile to VPA (Advanced) API

Endpoint: /v2/financial_services/mobile_to_vpa/advance

Sample Request Body

    "reference_id": "XXXXXXXX",
    "consent": true,
    "purpose": "To verify user VPA/ Name",
    "mobile": "XXXXXX"


Optional multiple parameter

If you want to collect multiple data points for a given parameter, you can pass the optional field multiple which accepts a boolean value. When set to true, the results array is multi-member array if more VPA are found.

When multiple is set to false, the results array will always be a single-member array.

Request Mapping Table

reference_idStringUnique identifier for the transaction"XX-wqdw-47d7-abe0-XXwege"
consentBooleanUser's consent for VPA verification"true/false"
purposeStringPurpose of verificationTo verify user VPA/ Name
mobileIntegerUser's mobile number(10 digits)"9999999999"

Sample Response Body

    "decentroTxnId": "XXXXXXXXXXXXX",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "responseCode": "S00000",
    "message": "VPA(s) fetched successfully",
    "data": {
      "results": [
                "name": "Customer Name",
                "vpa": "1111111111@axl",
                "merchantCode": "1234",
                "merchantIfsc": "IDIB000A123",
                "merchantAccountType": "SAVINGS",
              	"tpap": [
                  "Google Pay"

Response Mapping Table

decentroTxnIdDecentro Transaction ID"D871D26379284A5FD4E550A2D8FE"
statusOverall status of the verification"SUCCESS"
responseCodeResponse code indicating the result"S00000"
messageBrief description of the status"VPA fetched successfully"
dataDetailed information about the verificationContains a single member results which is an array of objects.
responseKeyUnique identifier for the response type"success_vpa_found"

Mobile to Udyam API

Endpoint: /v2/financial_services/mobile_to_udyam

Sample Request Body

    "reference_id": "XXXXXXXX",
    "consent": true,
    "purpose": "To verify user VPA/ Name",
    "mobile": "XXXXXX"

Request Mapping Table

reference_idStringUnique identifier for the transaction"XX-wqdw-47d7-abe0-XXwege"
consentBooleanUser's consent for VPA verification"true/false"
purposeStringPurpose of verificationTo verify user VPA/ Name
mobileIntegerUser's mobile number(10 digits)"9999999999"

Sample Response Body

    "decentroTxnId": "XXXXX",
    "status": "SUCCESS",
    "responseCode": "S00000",
    "message": "Udyam fetched successfully",
    "data": {
        "udyam": "XXX",
        "udyam_name": "XXX"
    "responseKey": "success_udyam_found"

Response Mapping Table

decentroTxnIdDecentro Transaction ID"D871D26379284A5FD4E550A2D8FE"
statusOverall status of the verification"SUCCESS"
responseCodeResponse code indicating the result"S00000"
messageBrief description of the status"VPA fetched successfully"
dataDetailed information about the verificationFor the Mobile to Udyam API, this object will only contain the udyam key denoting the Udyam number and udyam_name denoting the name on the Udyam certificate.
responseKeyUnique identifier for the response type"success_vpa_found"