Generate Credit Report
UAT Test Data
Real user data is only available in the production environment. In order to properly evaluate Decentro's Financial Services module on the staging / UAT environment, consider using our UAT test data linked here.
Credit Bureau is an agency that collects information related to the credit ratings of individuals and makes it available to financial companies, banks, and other legal authorities.
Our partner bureaus -
- Equifax and more in the pipeline
Parameters and Description
Generate and Fetch Credit Reports using detailed parameters or just using Mobile numbers and Names.
Basis the request payload, Decentro hits the relevant report in the backend accordingly.
Address Type
Address Type | Code |
Home | H |
Office | O |
Others | X |
Inquiry Purpose
Inquiry Purpose | Code |
BusinessLoan | BL |
ConsumerLoan | CL |
CreditCard | CC |
GoldLoan | GL |
HomeLoan | HL |
PersonalLoan | PL |
Generate PDF of Credit Report Summary
Now you can generate a PDF document of the credit report summary that will be provided in
format in the response. To use this feature, toggle thegenerate_pdf
optional key totrue
Sample API
"reference_id": "ABCDEF12345",
"consent": true,
"consent_purpose": "for bank verification only",
"name": "Manish Gupta",
"date_of_birth": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"address_type": "H",
"address": "some_physical_address",
"pincode": "641045",
"mobile": "8122244434",
"inquiry_purpose": "PL",
"document_type": "PAN",
"document_id": "ABCDE1234F",
"generate_pdf": false
"decentroTxnId": "XXXXXXXX",
"status": "SUCCESS",
"responseCode": "S00000",
"message": "Credit Report fetched successfully",
"data": {
"cCRResponse": {
"status": "1",
"cIRReportDataLst": [
"cIRReportData": {
"iDAndContactInfo": {
"personalInfo": {
"name": {
"fullName": "VIJAY MALLYA",
"firstName": "VIJAY",
"lastName": "MALLYA "
"dateOfBirth": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"gender": "Male",
"age": {
"age": "XXX"
"totalIncome": "XXXXXX",
"occupation": "SALARIED"
"identityInfo": {
"pANId": [
"seq": "1",
"reportedDate": "XXXX-XX-XX",
"idNumber": "XXXXXX"
"passport": [
"seq": "1",
"reportedDate": "XXXX-XX-XX",
"idNumber": "XXXXXXXX"
"addressInfo": [
"seq": "1",
"reportedDate": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"address": "XXXXX",
"state": "XX",
"postal": "XXXXXX",
"type": "Primary"
"phoneInfo": [
"seq": "1",
"typeCode": "H",
"reportedDate": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"number": "9999999999"
"emailAddressInfo": [
"seq": "1",
"reportedDate": "YYYY-MM-DD",
"emailAddress": ""
"retailAccountsSummary": {
"noOfAccounts": "XX",
"noOfActiveAccounts": "X",
"noOfWriteOffs": "X",
"totalPastDue": "XXXXX",
"mostSevereStatusWithIn24Months": "XXXXXXX",
"singleHighestCredit": "XXXXXXX",
"singleHighestSanctionAmount": "XXXXXX",
"totalHighCredit": "XXXXXX",
"averageOpenBalance": "XXXXXX",
"singleHighestBalance": "XXXXX",
"noOfPastDueAccounts": "X",
"noOfZeroBalanceAccounts": "X",
"recentAccount": "XXXXXX",
"oldestAccount": "XXXXXX",
"totalBalanceAmount": "XXXXXXXX",
"totalSanctionAmount": "XXXXXXXX",
"totalCreditLimit": "XXXXX",
"totalMonthlyPaymentAmount": "XXXXX"
"scoreDetails": [
"type": "ERS",
"version": "4.0",
"name": "ERS4.0",
"value": "849",
"scoringElements": [
"type": "RES",
"seq": "1",
"code": "803",
"description": "Total Utilization"
"type": "RES",
"seq": "2",
"code": "802",
"description": "Total Credit Exposure"
"type": "RES",
"seq": "3",
"code": "804",
"description": "Credit Card Utilization"
"otherKeyInd": {
"ageOfOldestTrade": "XX",
"numberOfOpenTrades": "X",
"allLinesEVERWritten": "XXX",
"allLinesEVERWrittenIn9Months": "X",
"allLinesEVERWrittenIn6Months": "X"
"recentActivities": {
"accountsDeliquent": "X",
"accountsOpened": "X",
"totalInquiries": "X",
"accountsUpdated": "X"
"responseKey": "success_credit_report"
Mobile to Name API
Most lenders report to Credit Bureaus using the full name in the PAN document of the user. Hence, you have higher chances of finding the customers' credit report if you provide the full PAN name of the user.
You may consider using our Mobile to Name API in combination with this API for better success rates.
Response Key Descriptions
Key | Description |
decentroTxnId | Transaction ID for the credit report retrieval. |
status | Overall status of the credit report retrieval process (e.g., "SUCCESS"). |
responseCode | Response code indicating the result of the credit report retrieval (e.g., "S00000" for success). |
message | A message providing information about the credit report retrieval process. |
data | The main data container for the credit report information. |
cCRResponse | The credit report response container. |
status | Status of the credit report (e.g., "1" for success). |
cIRReportDataLst | List containing credit report data. |
cIRReportData | Credit report data container. |
iDAndContactInfo | Identity and contact information container. |
personalInfo | Personal information container. |
name | Container for the full name, first name, and last name. |
dateOfBirth | Date of birth of the individual. |
gender | Gender of the individual. |
age | Container for the age of the individual. |
identityInfo | Container for identity information. |
pANId | Container for PAN (Permanent Account Number) information. |
addressInfo | List of address information, including reported date, address, state, postal code, and type. |
phoneInfo | List of phone information, including type, reported date, and number. |
emailAddressInfo | List of email address information, including reported date and email address. |
scoreDetails | Container for credit score details. |
type | Type of the credit score (e.g., "ERS"). |
version | Version of the credit score. |
name | Name associated with the credit score. |
value | Numeric value of the credit score. |
scoringElements | List of elements contributing to the credit score. |
enquirySummary | Container for credit inquiry summary information. |
purpose | Purpose of the credit inquiry. |
total | Total number of credit inquiries. |
past30Days | Number of credit inquiries in the past 30 days. |
past12Months | Number of credit inquiries in the past 12 months. |
past24Months | Number of credit inquiries in the past 24 months. |
recent | Date of the most recent credit inquiry. |
otherKeyInd | Container for other key indicators. |
ageOfOldestTrade | Age of the oldest trade. |
numberOfOpenTrades | Number of open trades. |
allLinesEVERWritten | Total amount of credit lines ever written. |
allLinesEVERWrittenIn9Months | Total amount of credit lines ever written in the last 9 months. |
allLinesEVERWrittenIn6Months | Total amount of credit lines ever written in the last 6 months. |
recentActivities | Container for recent credit activities. |
accountsDeliquent | Number of delinquent accounts. |
accountsOpened | Number of accounts opened. |
totalInquiries | Total number of credit inquiries. |
accountsUpdated | Number of accounts updated. |
retailAccountsSummary | Container for summary information about retail accounts. |
noOfAccounts | Total number of retail accounts. |
noOfActiveAccounts | Number of active retail accounts. |
noOfWriteOffs | Number of retail accounts that have been written off. |
totalPastDue | Total amount past due across all retail accounts. |
mostSevereStatusWithIn24Months | Most severe status within the last 24 months. |
singleHighestCredit | Single highest credit across all retail accounts. |
singleHighestSanctionAmount | Single highest sanctioned amount across all retail accounts. |
totalHighCredit | Total high credit across all retail accounts. |
averageOpenBalance | Average open balance across all retail accounts. |
singleHighestBalance | Single highest balance across all retail accounts. |
noOfPastDueAccounts | Number of retail accounts that are past due. |
noOfZeroBalanceAccounts | Number of retail accounts with zero balance. |
recentAccount | Most recently opened retail account. |
oldestAccount | Oldest retail account. |
totalBalanceAmount | Total balance amount across all retail accounts. |
totalSanctionAmount | Total sanctioned amount across all retail accounts. |
totalCreditLimit | Total credit limit across all retail accounts. |
totalMonthlyPaymentAmount | Total monthly payment amount across all retail accounts. |
Request Purpose Mapping
Code | Product Description | Segment |
00 | Other | Retail |
01 | Auto Loan | Retail |
02 | Housing Loan | Retail |
03 | Property Loan | Retail |
04 | Loan against Shares/Securities Retail | Retail |
05 | Personal Loan Retail | Retail |
06 | Consumer Loan Retail | Retail |
07 | Gold Loan Retail | Retail |
08 | Education Loan Retail | Retail |
09 | Loan to Professional Retail | Retail |
10 | Credit Card Retail | Retail |
11 | Lease Retail | Retail |
12 | Overdraft Retail | Retail |
13 | Two-wheeler Loan Retail | Retail |
14 | Non-Funded Credit Facility Retail | Retail |
15 | Loan Against Bank Deposits Retail | Retail |
16 | Fleet Card Retail | Retail |
17 | Commercial Vehicle Loan Retail | Retail |
18 | Telco - Wireless Retail | Retail |
19 | Telco - Broadband Retail | Retail |
20 | Telco - Landline Retail | Retail |
31 | Secured Credit Card Retail | Retail |
32 | Used Car Loan Retail | Retail |
33 | Construction Equipment Loan Retail | Retail |
34 | Tractor Loan Retail | Retail |
35 | Corporate Credit Card Retail | Retail |
3A | Auto Lease Retail | Retail |
51 | Business Loan Retail | Retail |
52 | Business Loan-Priority Sector-Small Business Retail | Retail |
53 | Business Loan - Priority Sector- Agriculture Retail | Retail |
54 | Business Loan - Priority Sector- Others Retail | Retail |
55 | Business Non-Funded Credit Facility Retail | Retail |
56 | Business Non-Funded Credit Facility - Priority Sector - Small Business Retail | Retail |
57 | Business Non-Funded Credit Facility - Priority Sector - Agriculture Retail | Retail |
58 | Business Non-Funded Credit Facility - Priority Sector - Other Retail | Retail |
59 | Business Loan Against Bank Deposits Retail | Retail |
60 | Staff Loan Retail | Retail |
8A | Disclosure Retail | Retail |
0E | MicroFinance Business Loan MFI | MFI |
1E | MicroFinance Personal Loan MFI | MFI |
2E | MicroFinance Housing Loan MFI | MFI |
3E | MicroFinance Others MFI | MFI |
Updated 10 months ago