Financial Services

This page gives an overview of all the response keys passed by Decentro under the Financial Services module.

Financial Services - Credit Bureau

The below-mentioned response keys will be passed as part of the Credit Bureau API.

Response KeyScenario
success_credit_reportCredit Report fetched successfully.
error_decentro_errorInternal Server Error. Kindly retry the transaction after sometime
error_provider_errorUnexpected response received from the underlying provider.
error_empty_module_secretAn empty module secret was passed.
error_invalid_module_secretAn invalid module secret was passed.
error_empty_consentConsent cannot be null or empty. Hint: consent (boolean)
error_invalid_consentConsent should be of boolean type. Hint: consent (boolean)
error_false_consentConsent cannot be false. Hint: consent (boolean)
error_malformed_requestA malformed JSON request was passed.
error_empty_address_typeAddress type is empty. Hint: Allowed types are H, O and X.
error_invalid_address_typeAddress Type is invalid. Hint: Allowed types are H, O and X.
error_empty_pincodePin code cannot be null or empty.
error_invalid_pincodeInvalid Format for Pin code is found.
error_unsanitized_valuesUnsanitized values detected for key(s)
error_empty_nameName cannot be null or empty. Hint: name (string).
error_duplicate_reference_idDuplicate Request Reference ID
error_module_credits_exhaustedYou have consumed your credits. Please connect with our team on [email protected] for credit renewal.
error_unauthorized_moduleAuthorization failed for accessing the module
error_no_subscription_foundNo subscription details found for this module. Please subscribe this module to access the APIs.
error_empty_mobileMobile Number cannot be null or empty. Hint: mobile (string)
error_unauthorized_providerProvider Not Authorized For Company
error_unexpected_responseUnexpected response received from underlying provider.

Financial Services - Customer Data Pull

The below mentioned response keys will be passed as part of the Customer Data Pull API.

Response KeyScenario
success_customer_data_pullCustomer data pulled successfully
error_decentro_errorInternal Server Error. Kindly retry the transaction after sometime
error_provider_errorUnexpected response received from the underlying provider.
error_empty_module_secretAn empty module secret was passed.
error_invalid_module_secretAn invalid module secret was passed
error_empty_consentConsent cannot be null or empty. Hint: consent (boolean)
error_invalid_consentConsent should be of boolean type. Hint: consent (boolean)
error_false_consentConsent cannot be false. Hint: consent (boolean)
error_malformed_requestA malformed JSON request was passed.
error_unsanitized_valuesUnsanitized values detected for key(s)
error_empty_nameName cannot be null or empty. Hint: name (string).
error_duplicate_reference_idDuplicate Request Reference ID
error_module_credits_exhaustedYou have consumed your credits. Please connect with our team on [email protected] for credit renewal.
error_unauthorized_moduleAuthorization failed for accessing the module
error_no_subscription_foundNo subscription details found for this module. Please subscribe this module to access the APIs.
error_empty_mobileMobile Number cannot be null or empty. Hint: mobile (string)
error_unauthorized_providerProvider Not Authorized For Company
error_unexpected_responseUnexpected response received from underlying provider.